A lot at stake than just Guan Eng’s bungalow for Abu Kassim

Abu Kassim

Rocky’s Bru

If half the allegations made against him over the RM2.8 million bungalow are true, Lim Guan Eng’s days as Chief Minister of Penang are numbered. I think he knows it.

Pool or no swimming pool, it’s a mistake to think that you can fool the Rakyat. And I think deep inside he knows that, too. If Guan Eng thought the open house he held at his controversial bungalow for the selected media (for the record, I was not invited) would make him appear “open”, like he had nothing to hide, well he thought wrong. Khir Toyo, the Selangor MB then, was convicted on what seemed to some to be a lesser sin. So Guan Eng will get no sympathies from the Rakyat on this matter. And certainly none from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

I am a believer that you’re innocent until proven guilty, something I’m not sure Guan Eng abides by all the time.


I also believe that the MACC is more interested in Guan Eng’s bungalow than a lot of people give them credit for. Many forget that ever since Teoh Beng Hock‘s death, Abu Kassim and the MACC have kept out of the DAP’s way. Accusing of murder when that was not what happeend [MACC admits negligence, pays RM600k to TBH family], the MACC almost lost its will to probe the DAP for any alleged wrong-doing or corrupt practices. The case that it was investigating at the time of TBH’s death, for example, was it ever pursued?

One got the impression that for the MACC, it was safer, after TBH, to go after alleged corruption involving the Federal government and the ruling BN coalition.

If there’s evidence of corruption in the Penang bungalow case – and a lot of people are suggesting that there’s more than enough of it (More damning evidence against LGE by Bujai] – Abu Kassim is gointg to go after Guan Eng like tonnes of bricks.



