Lim Guan Eng kantoi a third time


Lim Guan Eng kantoi a second time

Lim Guan Eng kantoi

The Tender for the Taman Manggis land issued in Feb 2010 and won by Kuala Lumpur International Dental Center Sdn Bhd (KLIDC) was for development and management of a medical center.



After the Tender was won by KLIDC, the conditions attached for the use of the land as stipulated by the Tender was quietly changed via a letter to KLIDC in 2011.



From a land use strictly for 100% private medical center use, it was changed to 30% private medical center and 70% hotels and serviced apartments.

Which means that the winner tendered for one prize and after he won, his prize was changed to something even more valuable – which would have broken tender rules.

As the Chief Minister,, the EXCO member in charge of Land affairs and Land Development for the state and Chairman of the State Planning Committee (SPC). it is certain that Lim Guan Eng is aware of this change which would have needed his approval.

This letter is confirmed as a 2014 Planning Permission notice shows:


This piece of land was initially allocated for 272 units of low-cost housing for the Rakyat but the project was cancelled on the excuse by the Penang State Govt that the land size was not large enough.

The Penang State Govt is thus saying that the land is not large enough for 272 units of low-cost houses but large enough for 24 floors of hotel and serviced suites – complete with Lim Guan Eng’s much wanted swimming pool.

The owner of KLIDC, Datuk Tang Yong Chew is the boss of Miss Phang Li Khoon – the lady who sold the 25 Jalan Pinhorn bungalow at a grossly underpriced RM2.8 million to Lim Guan Eng last year.

YAB Lim Guan Eng now has a lot of explaining to do now.

