When there is nothing new, sue!


The Malaysian Observer

Tun Dr Mahathir’s desperation knows no end. His first headline grabber was to claim that RM 42 billion under the Prime Minister’s watch has disappeared into thin air. Then he claimed that RM 2.6 billion came from 1MDB again link the Prime Minister to the supposed loss.

Strange how he is making more noise about the RM 2.6 billion and no longer claims aliens have abducted the RM 42 billion!

Realizing that the investigation into these matters would probably prove the Prime Minister innocent, Tun’s next act of desperation was to quit (again) Umno fantasizing that a wave of people would follow. However, after the duck (Mahathir) quacked and waddled out, he looked back to see only his past and that is fading fast!

What Tun M did next was not in character for someone who is used to being the solo act on centre stage; he teamed up with the very people (opposition) who he lambasted for years!

But Tun sees these as desperate times and desperation makes for strange and quirky bed fellows!

Before Tun’s arrival, the Opposition all but conceded that fact that it would be very difficult to unseat the Prime Minister. Now, with Tun Dr Mahathir as their poster boy cum mascot, they are giving it another try.


