DAP vs small biz



I am really concerned and worried after reading in the media that DAP even scans the activities of small businesses and threatens them to remove their ads.

I wonder what will happen if DAP were to be the Federal Govt?

When the IGP asked for the posters of Anwar Ibrahim to be removed, there was such a big fuss made for the IGP to mind his own business, to resign, to follow the UN, etc.

I suppose if DAP rules Malaysia, all ads must be approved by the Office of the Prime Ruler, to which the DYMM Agong also reports to.

All coffee shops will have cctvs to monitor what the people say about the govt.

Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, would love to be part of the govt then. Medaline Chang is after all Goebbel’s kind of people.

Neighbours will be asked to spy on their neighbours. Children to spy on their parents. Parents to spy on their children.

No houses will be allowed to have a swimming pool.

By the way, Medaline Chang did not ask to remove the earlier ads as below. Is it only DAP that we cannot make fun of while DAP can make fun of others?

Concerned Citizen





