When being lucky is better than being a valuer!


The Malaysian Observer

How lucky can one be to acquire a valuable piece of property substantially below market value and no other person or group knowing about it or could afford the vastly reduced price.

Every wheeler dealer property developer; valuer, property speculator, agent, weekend crash course real-estate neophyte mom and pop investor must have had a collective mental stagnation, amnesia or have collectively gone abroad during the period when the property was available.

Being this lucky is like have the winning lottery ticket drop out of the sky, float through your window and land on your lap while contemplating the next move to dethrone the legally elected Prime Minister!

The seller of the property must have tried desperately to openly sell it at the ‘Same (RM2.8 million) Price’ and had absolutely no one interested.  Secret attempts to sell for RM 70 million

Who would want such an insignificant piece of property that probably had a lower resell value than the purchase price!

Perhaps all the Feng-Shui masters in Penang agreed that the property would bring misfortune (if you believe that kind of thing) to the purchaser.

The present owner may have missed this as he is neither a valuer nor (as far as I know)  a Feng-Shui sifu!


