Will Lim Guan Eng take the stand if he has to go on trial and plead conspiracy?

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng, is in deep shit. Lame excuse after lame excuse. I don’t have to be a car enthusiast to know the if the price of the used car I am buying is fair market price. Sounded like if the seller of the bungalow had put a RM10 million price, LGE would have bought the land anyway. What a stupid man. Can’t be, though. He’s a Chief Minister!

So let me put aside the saga about a stupid Chief Minister who didn’t know the market price of the bungalow he was buying and leaving the negotiations to his wife with a seller who has a business interest with the state and who was extremely generous, into the annals of stupid Chief Ministers. We will leave it to the police and MACC to see if he is really stupid or not.

What I am enthralled with is the drama about cancelling an ear-marked housing project for the poor. I had thought that with DAP’s deep concern for the poor, this kind of crap would never happen under their watch. Then for LGE to say that the project was replaced by another project was pure bull. The said project has nothing to do with PPR that the land was for.

Why this lie? And then after the tender for the land which was sold at 50% lower than an offer made earlier to save the housing for the poor project, (many more juicy stories about that), the land-use conditions were changed to include condominium dwellings for sale, and the land lease renewed for another 99 years.

That’s like buying a 20 years old car at an auction and after buying, I am given a surprise guarantee from the car-maker that it can run for another 20 years. That’s as generous as the bungalow seller was to LGE. Must be contagious. Then we hear about attempts to sell off the land with the new enhanced usage and lease for a huge huge profit.

Six years after purchase, nothing was done to the land. That means if a land was ear-marked for say, a Chinese school, I could have bought the land and mothball the project, because I don’t agree to the existence of Chinese schools. The land buyer must have something against poor people then. Or was it just an easy profit- making scheme. Did the tokong know?

And the proposed sale of the land would involve foreign intrigue of off-shore remittance in a manner of having things to hide. The tokong would not have stand for that, right? Good thing it was discovered before it was done. Especially when it involves making money through a flip-over of state land at the expense of housing of the poor, whom DAP is committed to, right?

And ever since DAP is in-charge, housing for the poor on Penang Island was committed to being a means of driving out the poor, mainly Malays and Indians, off the island. Of course with full endorsement from Sakmongkol and the slut by their being members of multi-racial DAP. I thought the Barisan Nasional as told by Sakmongkol was the corrupt one? This is nothing, huh!

The reason this is nothing is because, right or wrong, a tokong can do no wrong. He is one of us, he must be backed, say the racists in their social media. So be stupid if that’s what it takes to be racist. LGE’s story is just not believable by anyone applying his mind with sincerity and no ill-intent.

Remember Tok Guru Nik Aziz cancelling his Umrah trip when he found out that the sponsor had financial dealings with the state? Tokongs do that too?

Whatever happens, doubts have been raised, not without simple common-man facts, and the tokong now has a blotched reputation. No more moral high ground pointing holier-than-thou fingers at others for LGE. Time to go to Melbourne to be consoled.

