The Altantuyaa Statutory Declaration (1)


KTemoc Konsiders

Even though statutory declaration (SD) as a legislative apparatus exists for eons, most Malaysians only became aware of it when RPK posted his famous or infamous SD on Shariibuu Altantuyaa and Rosmah Mansor in mid 2008, to the utter delight of PKR. Unfounded allegations have it that bathrooms of some PKR members were occupied for hours that night, wakakaka.

Right from that very start, I’ve never found the contents of RPK’s declarations a la ‘I have been reliably informed …..’ plausible.
But then I suppose I have been one of the few who found the assertions quite implausible perhaps in a small way due to my lack of feral animosity or antipathy towards Najib Razak but more because of my inability to absorb the ridiculous picture of Rosmah Mansor in her high heels, birkin bag, expensive dress and beehive hairdo trekking in the mosquito-infested blukar to just witness a gruesome act, that of blasting Altantuyaa to smithereens with C4.
Why would she? And what was Altantuyaa’s connection with Najib other than what we were informed by Perumal Balasubramaniam’s SD which was released in a press conference, now get this, spearheaded by none other than Anwar Ibrahim.
Apart from Balasubramaniam’s SD, was there any indication of Altantuyaa in a closed relationship or contact with Najib? OK, if you’re desperate for evidence in this respect, yes, you can use Tian Chua’s photoshop nonsense, wakakaka.
But the FACT has been that there was NOT one single evidence of direct connection between Altantuyaa and Najib, other than via Razak Baginda.
In 2008 I had then written in a post about RPK’s SD, in which I provided a case of SD by politicians in Australia, in which I said:


