ABC 4 Corners A Disappointment


Gopal Raj Kumar

With Claire Rewcastle Brown, a person most Australians have never heard of except for tonight’s ABC 4 Corners programme, underwriting the narrative to the allegations of corruption in Malaysia featuring the alleged sins of Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister, tonight’s programme disappointed most viewers for its rehash of old stories running wild since 2008. They included:

1. Death of Kevin Morais (somehow linked to Najib)

2. Altantuya Shaariibuu (Najib did it)

3. 1MDB losses (Najib stole it)

4. 2 Billion in Najib’s account ( from some improper activities according to Mahathir)

5. Submarine kickbacks (Najib of course)

6. Balasubramaniam’s death and the events that preceded it (Najib and his brother)

7. Sirul’s admission from an Australian lock up (Najib must have paid for it)

8. Santamil Selvi’s apology to Najib and her retraction of he same (Najib must have paid for it)

The sub-plots included interviews (selective and shot both in time and substance)  with:

a) Claire Rewcastle Brown (the instigator and the source of most material it appears and sub narrator if not sub editor of the script).

b) Terrence Fernandez

c) Mahathir Mohamed

d) Charles Morais ( with a story about how his brother was killed for investigating and preparing charges against Najib for a $27 million bribe.

e) Balasubramaniam and Americk Singh Siddhu

f) the infamous press conference with Bala’s wife Santamil Selvi

g) Tony Pua

h) Zaid Ibrahim

 And to top it all off a limited self taped statement by Sirul Azhar Omar denying the prime minister Najib Razak had anything to do with the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.


