BONGKAR! Taman Manggis – Dissolved, Wound up and Struck Off


A case of BAD FENG SHUI for all BIDDERS of Taman Manggis

Huan’s Thoughts

According to official Penang State Assembly explanations on the sale of Taman Manggis to KLIDC, the first RFP was called on 10 August 2009 and only three companies participated due to the strict restriction that those who participate must have experience in running specialist medical centers.

They are:
– United Overseas Empire Sdn Bhd
– GM HealthCare Sdn Bhd
– KLIDC Sdn Bhd

This RFP exercise was then cancelled on 10 Sept 2009 because none of the companies bothered to turn up for the official site visit – hence breaking procurement rules.

A replacement RFP exercise was thus called on 16 Feb 2010. This time, a grand total of 4 companies submitted including the three earlier participants and a new bidfder, Ranting Setia Sdn. Bhd.

As we all know, it was KLIDC who won it – at that time owned majority owned by Phang Li Khoon’s boss Datuk Tang Yong Chew.

But who are the other three companies who participated and did they have any experience in running “specialists medical center” and are they financially capable?

1. United Overseas Empire Sdn Bhd:
– amazingly incorporated two days after the first RFP was called and still managed to participate in time.
– company seems to be dormant after participating in the tender with zero revenues for the financial year 2010 and never having submitted any more reports to SSM since then for SIX years.
– The company status is now officially listed as dissolved.


