Orang Tionghua disalahkan lagi

anti GST

KTemoc Konsiders

FMT – Low Chinese turnout at rally affects T-shirt business

‘Ni Cinakui selalu kena disalahkanlah, wakakaka.

Misalnya, back in 1969, someone lost his election in the constituency of Kota Setar Selatan and blamed the Chinese.

In fact that someone, wakakaka, had prior to the election said arrogantly he didn’t need the Chinese votes. So okaylah, the Chinese ‘tremblingly obeyed’ (wakakaka) and did what he wanted, that was, doing the unthinkable for Chinese at that time, voted instead for the PAS candidate Yusof Rawa.

And the bizarre thing is that someone was pissed off with the Chinese in Kota Setar Selatan constituency for ‘tremblingly obeying’ him, wakakaka.

And he never forgave them and probably still hasn’t, wakakaka.

Indeed, six years later in 1975 when he was Education Minister, he summoned the Chinese education leaders (MICSS or Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools) to his office in Parliament and threatened them against holding the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).
For more, please see my post yesterday titled Government’s anti UEC policy began with Mahathir.
According to Dr Kua Kia Soong, Mahathir told them in no uncertain terms to cancel the examination “or else …!”
Wah, so fierce lah.


