MACC Trounced :The Ultimate Victory for ROSLI DAHLAN


Din Merican

This afternoon was supposed to be the continuation of the trial of Rosli Dahlan vs MACC where more of the MACC witnesses were supposed to take the witness stand and be grilled in cross examination. But all that fizzled out when the MACC floundered and admitted defeat.

Sources close to the prosecution revealed that since last November the MACC and A-G Chambers have been wooing Rosli to seek a settlement. Then, the courting  became more intense with the MACC representatives even visiting Rosli. Then when it became inevitable that its witness MACC officer Mohan was going to be grilled and roasted, the MACC threw the towel.

This Mohan is a corrupted officer who handcuffed Rosli until he bled,  and this is what happened to him:

MACCs Abu Kassim eats the humble pie

To cut the story short all those who fixed Rosli 8 years ago have met their retribution, their divine karma. Kevin Morais was killed buried and cemented in a drum. Gani Patail sacked so unceremoniously from his once all powerful post of Attorney General. What goes around comes around. And today is the ultimate victory for Lawyer Rosli when the MACC and government apologise to him in open court to a packed court gallery.

Never before has a government enforcement agency bowed to a private individual who sued it. But, Rosli’s case is not the usual case. It is a case of intrigue, of one man’s long and grueling battle against the whole machinery of the government. Like the movie David v Goliath,  when God is on your side, you can’t lose. So I say to Rosli – you have been very steadfast in your fight for the truth and God has rewarded you with victory.I am proud of what you have  accomplished in the cause of justice and congratulate you on your victory.

See below the MACC’S apology to Rosli which was read in witness box  in open court by Senior Assistant Commissioner MACC Saiful Ezral.


