Leaked internal state memo proves LGE personally intervened in KLIDC land approvals

Guan Eng roses

DAP Insider

Despite Lim Guan Eng’s frequent denials that he was not involved in the award and the approvals of the KLIDC project, this document proves otherwise.

LGE memo

A 20th April 2012 memo sent by Dato Ng Wee Kok, a Special Assistant to Lim Guan Eng, sent using the letterhead of Chief Minister’s Office, shows that Lim Guan Eng had personally intervened to improve the plot density of the planned development of the Taman Manggis land for the benefit of KLIDC Sdn Bhd

This memo was addressed to the Penang State Secretary, Dato’ Seri Farizan Darus, and to then President of the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) and now Mayor of the Penang Island City Counci, Datuk Patahiyah Ismail.

The memo states that personally written instructions (catatan) by Lim Guan Eng to the State Secretary and MPPP on a request letter from KLIDC was attached.

While I have not been able obtain the attached letter, my source have told me that it was specific instructions to increase the plot ratio of the approval from 1:55 to 1:7 – which gives building floor space approval equivalent to two additional plots of the Taman Manggis land.

LGE Land

Simple calculations using the increased plot ratio and a conservative commercial built-up price of RM300 to RM400 per square feet would show that this personal intervention by the CM would have increased the commercial value of KLIDC’s project by another RM30 million to RM40 million.

Recent signed and stamped sale documents by KLIDC exposed by Rahman Dahlan had shown the land and project is now worth RM70.6 million, a huge RM59 million windfall profit above the RM11.5 million paid to the state govt six years ago even though the land remains undeveloped.

LGE House

We call on the investigating authorities to haul up the names in this leaked memo for immediate questioning to determine the truth about the memo and if the Chief Minister’s unusual personal intervention on a land matter and building approval may have unfairly benefited KLIDC and the value of their land.

