If not happy, please go ask the Foreign Minister



I am not quite sure why some people are asking me whether Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister is telling the truth about the donation to Najib by the Saudi Arabia govt and that they agree with our AG’s findings and consider the matter closed.

There is absolutely no reason why the Saudi Foreign Minister would want to lie on behalf of Najib and jeopardise his country’s reputation.

Why can’t you accept that the Saudis had given out at least USD150 billion to friendly parties during the Arab Spring years to stop the “spring” from spreading further and ultimately jeopardising their own country’s stability and their Royal family’s position?

To be honest, even if their late King Abudllah rises from the grave to issue a royal decree to clear Najib, you will still be unhappy because Mahathir ALWAYS tells the truth and has no hidden personal agenda at all, no dendam and no intention of positioning his son as Prime Minister.

And this is despite that it defies all logic that someone would want to steal money that is borrowed (which eventually has to be repaid), instead of hiding it overseas he put this stolen money into an account of his own name right before a General Election that he could have lost, spent the vast majority of it on his party and CSR related activities and allow other people to manage an account with billions on his behalf.

If I had wanted to songlap money, I would sign a few dodgy lop-sided “take-or-pay” power-plants, increase the price per KWH by a few sen, force Tenaga to accept higher power rates and force Petronas to supply heavily subsidised gas for 25 years. Like this, I can songlap billions every year – no problem and no one complain also despite the rakyat and Petronas having to sacrifice tens of billions over decades.

But why ask me whether the Foreign Minister is telling the truth?

Do I look like a pale-faced high-ranking Arab to you?

If you still tak puas hati with the Saudi Foreign Minister, please contact him directly.

You have 4 choices:

1. Fill-up the online form to directly communicate with the Saudi Foreign Minister: http://www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/aboutMinistry/Minister/Pages/ContactUs.aspx

2. Visit him at his office in Riyadh. Google Maps location given: http://www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/MainContactUs/Riyadh/Pages/Map.aspx

3. Or you can call their Ministry’s call-center and ask to speak with Saudi’s foreign Minister directly to tell him he is lying and demand him to tell the truth.

4. Say that the Arab is not the real Foreign Minister but an Arab-looking Siam Clone.



