When Kit Siang, Mat Sabu and Muhyiddin melatah


Kit Siang thinks he is a master-politician. Actually he has demonstrated how much of a novice he can be. Of late he has blundered so many times. His alliance with the MACC (together with a photo-opportunity session) has backfired. Now everyone knows that the MACC is DAP’s running dog. The way he handled Guan Eng’s house issue was so amateurish. Then the Save Malaysia campaign and the launch of the Citizens’ Declaration did a lot of harm to the image of the opposition.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Some very interesting sound bites are coming out of the mouths of the opposition leaders, which has been reported by Malaysiakini and which you can read below.

One matter was regarding what the President of Parti Amanah, Mat Sabu, said. He is suggesting that the RM2.6 billion that Saudi Arabia gave Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in the form of a personal donation was to enlist Malaysia’s help in the fight against ISIS.

Mat Sabu is not happy that Malaysia might be joining (at least that is what he suspects) a Western/Saudi-led coalition to fight terrorism in the Middle East. He feels Malaysia should remain neutral and not get involved.

In other words, Mat Sabu is of the opinion that ISIS should be allowed to run rampage in the Middle East and kill and burn as much as they want. Well, at least Mat Sabu no longer says that the RM2.6 billion was stolen from 1MDB. It is just a ‘bribe’ to get Malaysia’s support to fight terrorism.

Then Lim Kit Siang has offered to help Najib to run his propaganda campaign because, according to Kit Siang, Najib’s team is overpaid and hopeless. “Najib has a most dim-witted team of strategists, lacking nimbleness of wit and mind or the ability to improvise on-the-run,” said Kit Siang. He also said that Najib’s team is ‘loud-mouthed’ and with a ‘low IQ’.

I suppose when Kit Siang says ‘ability to improvise on-the-run’, he means the ability to come out with stories very rapidly and without delay that are fabricated, made up, cobbled together, invented, rigged, devised, concocted, imaginary, fictional, make-believe, etc. — the other words that mean ‘improvise’.

According to what Teresa Kok told her people, it was Kit Siang who came out with the idea for the story that the reason why Lim Guan Eng managed to buy that house far below market price is because the house has bad feng shui.

Then, of course, it was also because the house has no swimming pool, it is not as luxurious as Khir Toyo’s house, it is only an upper-middle class house, Guan Eng is not a real estate agent, it was on a willing-buyer-willing-seller basis, the price was agreed upon seven years ago, Guan Eng’s wife loves living in that house, Guan Eng did not know the seller was doing business with the Penang government, etc.

Now that is what I would call improvising-on-the-run. And is this how Kit Siang is going to run Najib’s ‘propaganda’ campaign to counter the lies that the RM2.6 billion was stolen from 1MDB? Kit Siang cannot even manage his own son’s propaganda campaign. What makes him think he has the ability to counter all the lies against Najib?

Has Kit Siang heard the saying ‘physician, heal thyself’? He can’t even save his own son he wants to try to save Najib.

Actually, Kit Siang’s comments are not aimed at Najib but at Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He is suggesting that what Mahathir is saying about Najib is a lie and that he should apologise. He wants Mahathir to melenting and to keep attacking Najib. This is so schoolboy like. Malays call it nak cuba laga.

Kit Siang is desperate for Mahathir’s help. His son, Guan Eng, may be walking on thin ice that may break at any time. So Kit Siang wants Mahathir’s help and he knows that Mahathir can tell the MACC to back off. The police are also on Guan Eng’s tail and if the MACC does not get him then the police will. So there are two guns aimed at Guan Eng’s head.

Kit Siang thinks he is a master-politician. Actually he has demonstrated how much of a novice he can be. Of late he has blundered so many times. His alliance with the MACC (together with a photo-opportunity session) has backfired. Now everyone knows that the MACC is DAP’s running dog. The way he handled Guan Eng’s house issue was so amateurish. Then the Save Malaysia campaign and the launch of the Citizens’ Declaration did a lot of harm to the image of the opposition.

And Pakatan Harapan is going to pay for this next month during the Sarawak state election. This is probably precisely how they felt when the Titanic was listing and everyone realised that there was no way they could avoid the ship sinking.

“Malaysia’s sacked deputy warns of election defeat unless PM goes,” said Reuters, quoting Muhyiddin Yassin (READ HERE). Malaysiakini also reported the same thing below.

Muhyiddin also complained that after one year the Umno members still can’t seem to understand the 1MDB issue. And he blames the Umno members for that.

As they say, there are no bad students, only bad teachers. So, if the students cannot understand you then it must be something that you are doing wrong. So don’t blame the students for not understanding what you are teaching.

When Mahathir wanted to get rid of Anwar Ibrahim in 1998, it took only one day for him to explain why his deputy had to go. He made it simple; KISS — ‘keep it short and simple’ or ‘keep it simple, stupid’.

Mahathir just played up the sodomy issue and Anwar immediately became dead meat, especially amongst the Malays who regard sodomy as the worst crime ever where Prophet Muhammad would reject you and you will be denied heaven in perpetuity.

But when they raised the 1MDB issue to try to oust Najib back in 2014, the Boffin Boys in Najib’s office straight away said that the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) has blundered big time. And Najib’s boys knew the ANC was going to fail even though the ANC had forecasted they could oust Najib in just three months. It is now 17 months and still Najib is in office.

First of all, the sodomy allegation was true while the RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money disappearing into thin air allegation is a lie. Secondly, sodomy is simple to understand while the 1MDB matter is so complex that even bankers and lawyers are puzzled, let alone the normal man-on-the-street or man-in-the-kampung.

It was a strategy doomed to fail even before it was launched. And now Muhyiddin is grumbling about the Umno members not being able to understand the issue after more than a year. Give them another two years until 2018 and they will still not understand it.

Anyway, why is Muhyiddin now giving an impression that he understands the 1MDB issue so much that he was able to give Najib advice years ago? Last year he said he himself does not understand the 1MDB issue (even though he attended all the Cabinet meetings that discussed 1MDB and even chaired one of the meetings). He said what little he knows about 1MDB he picked up from reading The Edge.

But, today, Muhyiddin knows so much about 1MDB, even more than Najib knows, and he can even act as Najib’s adviser regarding 1MDB. And he is upset that only he knows while none of the other three million members can understand 1MDB the way he does.

No wonder Muhyiddin, Mat Sabu, Kit Siang and Mahathir get on very well together. They all share the same doctrine. They think they can fool all of the people all of the time. And when the people are not fooled they get upset. Yes, childish fools normally do that. They throw tantrums when we do not buy their far-fetched stories.


RM2.6b dikaitkan dengan latihan tentera bersama Saudi

(Malaysiakini) – Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) hari ini cuba mengaitkan kemasukan wang RM2.6 bilion ke dalam akaun perdana menteri daripada Arab Saudi dengan percaturan geopolitik rantau Arab.

Presidennya Mohamad Sabu membangkitkan persoalan sama ada Datuk Seri Najib Razak kini menjadi pak turut dan tidak lagi tertakluk kepada Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB).

“Saya bimbang jika Malaysia mengambil sikap menyokong satu pihak atas kepentingan tertentu,” kata Mohamad yang lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu.

“Apakah pengakuan menteri luar Arab bahawa beliau maklum berhubung derma RM2.6 bilion ke akaun peribadi Najib dan diakui sendiri olehnya menyebabkan perdana menteri tidak lagi tertakluk kepada PBB dalam membuat keputusan dan menjadi pak turut?”

READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/338583


Kit Siang offers to help Najib clear his name over RM2.6b

(Malaysiakini) – Lim Kit Siang has offered to take over from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s propaganda team to help put an end to Najib’s claim that the RM2.6 billion originated from 1MDB “is a lie”.

Lim’s offer comes in response to BN leaders insisting that Dr Mahathir Mahathir apologises to Najib after Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said the sum was a donation.

“It confirmed that Najib has a most dim-witted team of strategists, lacking nimbleness of wit and mind or the ability to improvise on-the-run, but continuing to expect Umno/BN ministers, leaders and MPs to follow a script that has already been discredited and should have been chucked into the garbage can.”

“Najib may have among the world’s highest-paid professionals in his propaganda and psychological warfare team, but what could they produce when they are headed by loud-mouthed and low-IQ czars for strategic media communications?” Lim asked in a statement today.

The DAP veteran and MP for Gelang Patah said he was prepared to help Najib to nail such a “lie” once and for all, if the prime minister could first prove to him that the RM2.6 billion was indeed not from 1MDB.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/338519


Muhyiddin warns of election defeat unless Najib goes

(Malaysiakini) – The party (Umno) that has ruled Malaysia since 1959 will lose the next general election if it stands by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, former deputy premier Muhyiddin Yassin said today, nine months after he was sacked for speaking out over a multi-billion dollar scandal.

Muhyiddin said in an interview that from 2014 he had repeatedly raised concerns with Najib about the debts of state fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) as allegations of mismanagement and corruption mounted. He said his protests were always rebuffed.

The prime minister’s spokesman said in a statement to Reuters that Muhyiddin was dismissed because he “tried to instigate party members to unseat the prime minister based on allegations that have been proved false”.

“Politicians who live by the sword should not complain when they die by it,” spokesman Tengku Sarifuddin Tengku Ahmad said.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/338587


