Sarawak PKR bent on 40 seats, insists talks with DAP still unsettled
(MMO) – Sarawak PKR unveiled today a list of 35 candidates for the coming state polls and said a further five names will be revealed sometime before next Monday’s nominations.
State PKR chief Baru Bian told reporters that his party intends to field candidates in 40 seats for the polls, and that discussions with the DAP on the remaining five seats were still ongoing.
Baru’s announcement appears to confirm talk that PKR does not intend to adhere to a previous agreement struck between the party’s national leadership and the DAP regarding seat distribution.
“As I have said before, we are going to contest 40 seats in this election and I have great confidence we can take the five seats (from the DAP),” he said.
The five seats are believed to be Bukit Semuja, Simanggang, Mambong, Mulu and Murum.
Yesterday, Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen named the five seats on his party’s list of candidates.