Mukhriz; If You Can’t Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Kitchen!


The Malaysian Observer

Since young Mahathir sees the post of Prime Minister as being too difficult, then that clearly indicates that he knows that he is not cut out for the job!

The top post in the land calls for someone who can rise to the occasion, not someone looking for a cushy position where there are no challenges.

But then again, what can you expect from someone who had it easy most of his life.

Having your father as the head honcho in the land will give the less than ambitious the expectation that all things will be easy in the land of Mahathir!

Still another way in looking at Mukhriz’s pronouncement of not wanting to be number one and that is; he is playing the humility card.  However, as endearing as it is to have that trait as part of a leader’s make up; you would rather have someone at the helm who is able to step up to the task and challenges of the nation’s top position with confidence!

If humility is Mukhriz’s lead contributor to the nation’s development then he is better off entering a Mr. congeniality contest where being popular is important!

Those who desire only to be liked will avoid the tough and unpleasant measures that are needed for the good of the nation.  That is why Prime Minister Najib Razak is a leader; he makes a decision like imposing a GST that was highly unpopular when it was initially implemented.

Up to today; the opposition still criticizes the GST while not stating how to replace the revenue the GST generates. Their critique has more to do with garnering support from the public; as they know, but would be hard pressed to admit that with the slow down of the world’s economy, the government had to find a way to keep the nation moving forward.

The opposition just like Mukhriz wants to avoid the unpopular decisions, but want the title, recognition access to power that come with being at the head of the government!


