Time to get real over who the real enemy is


Both have claimed to represent clean, inclusive and people centric governance. Surely a sacrifice here or a sacrifice there is worthwhile to attain the bigger objective.

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

In the midst of seat tussles between DAP and PKR in the upcoming Sarawak election, both have claimed that their real enemy is not each other but Barisan Nasional (BN).

My question is – why engage in such empty and useless talk?

They could not be more wrong. BN is not their primary enemy. Their real enemies are the combination of their acute myopia, their inability to compromise, their missing the forest for the trees and their craving for power over real reforms. It is futile to blame who caused the present impasse. The damage has been done.

If both parties yearn for real reforms and good governance, why is compromise so difficult? If their words are to be believed, surely there is nothing much to choose between PKR and DAP in terms of policies and programmes. Both have claimed to represent clean, inclusive and people centric governance. Surely a sacrifice here or a sacrifice there is worthwhile to attain the bigger objective.

I am afraid both DAP and PKR have aims larger than their own reform agendas. They think Sarawak is ripe for the picking. They have set their sights to take control of the state. Obviously, both DAP and PKR have not learned the term “pyrrhic victory.”

As ordinary citizens, we too have begun to doubt their true intentions. Is their reform agenda real? Can we truly expect a clean and fair government from these two parties should they ever attain victory?

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