The foundation supports the structure: what BN has and Pakatan does not


Salleh Said Keruak

When we talk about an organisation structure, that can also be equated to a building structure and any engineer will tell you that the strength of the structure very much depends on the foundation. A weak foundation would not be able to support the structure as many a building disaster has proven.

Whether we are talking about a political organisation, business organisation, military organisation, government organisation, etc., it is all the same. We need a strong foundation to support an equally strong structure for the whole system to succeed.

The political turmoil in Selangor soon after the 2013 general election, followed by the break up of Pakatan Rakyat soon after that and the creation of Pakatan Harapan minus PAS, and now the mess in the Sarawak state election, the last two years has shown that the opposition lacks the foundation it needs to succeed and, therefore, it has resulted in such a weak structure that it can never be the alternative government that it claims to be.

When we talk about an alternative, it means an equal and not a lesser choice. Alternatives must be second choices and not second-class choices. In this case Pakatan Harapan is not even a second choice to Barisan Nasional because it lacks what Barisan Nasional has: a strong foundation to support the structure.

The foundation of Barisan Nasional rests on its power-sharing doctrine. In Sarawak, it extends further than that to include allowing the local Sarawakians to decide their own affairs with as little interference from the federal powers.


