PKR and DAP: For whom will the bells toll?


Given that Wan Azizah only endorsed 35 candidates, was Azmin trying to undermine her position as president of PKR?

Hare Kari, Berita Daily

Is it Azmin Ali or PKR who is responsible for the Pakatan Harapan fracas?

For whom will the bells toll when the Sarawak votes are counted on May 7? Will it be PKR, DAP or both given the shameless fiasco on nomination day between these two integral partners of Pakatan Harapan?

The cardinal question surrounding this Opposition debacle is whether it was Azmin Ali or PKR who should be held accountable. This is because there are two open secrets on the matter.

Firstly, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail signed the green light for 35 PKR candidates to contest. Secondly, Azmin signed a note on the disputed seats effectively giving assent to DAP to contest in the five seats.

It was only when it became clear to DAP that Azmin was not going to honour what he signed that they decided to field a candidate in Batu Kitang.

It was a blessing in disguise because the PKR candidate should have been rightfully disqualified. Why the enlightened Election Commission did not disqualify the PKR candidate is a question only they can answer!

Hence come election day, PKR and DAP will do unnecessary battle in six seats – Mulu, Murum, Ngemah, Mambong, Simanggung and Batu Kitang.

For the electorate it is a mega disappointment. How can two senior partners of Pakatan Harapan allow this to happen?

Long after the votes have been counted on election day, the role of Azmin will be deliberated on all sides of the political divide.

Has Azmin overstepped the boundaries of decorum bordering on leadership by consensus as Pakatan Harapan would like to have the electorate believe?

It is pretty amazing that todate PKR has not categorically explained to the electorate whether it was Azmin’s or PKR’s decision!

Does this serve to mean that all is not well in PKR? Given that Wan Azizah only endorsed 35 candidates, was Azmin trying to undermine her position as president of PKR? These are issues which PKR has to address.

Since PKR is strong in the principles of competency, accountability and transparency it would be unthinkable to believe that PKR would indulge in idle political chicanery and trickery like their arch political nemesis, Umno, whom they hope to replace!

So long as PKR does not clarify, the full blunt of blame, shame and irresponsibility is cast heavy on Azmin Ali’s shoulders. Unlike DAP who were sensitive to the electorate and immediately apologised, Azmin was aplomb with his deed.

He openly stated that he gave the green light on the five disputed seats although he had signed and agreed with DAP’s Lim Guan Eng that DAP will contest in these seats.

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