The message from the Sarawak voters


Salleh Said Keruak

No doubt a more comprehensive post mortem needs to be done regarding the Sarawak state election yesterday but immediately we can already see that a few factors have contributed to the outcome.

First and foremost we cannot deny that the Adenan Satem factor played a critical role in swinging the voters. One could even probably interpret the Sarawak state election as a vote of confidence for the Chief Minister.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was personally down on the ground and was well received by many voters in the places he visited. In a way this proved the Prime Minister’s critics wrong regarding his popularity.

The launching of the Anti-Najib Campaign by those aligned to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Pakatan Harapan backfired badly on the opposition as was expected. The opposition’s denial syndrome proved that they ignored this very important point at their own peril.


