Opposition should get their act together and don’t get excited by foreign investigations

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

So the external investigations by enforcement agencies of some countries are already forthcoming with indictments. Actually, what are we really waiting for? Prime Minister Najib Razak will never be indicted. He was never in the thick of the things that these agencies are investigating which may breach their countries’ laws.

At the most, some bankers will be indicted, maybe some associates of 1MDB like Jho Lo and company, maybe even some 1MDB personnel, maybe even, say, Najib’s stepson. So? We can expect to hear juicy details tendered by the prosecution and defence in the trials which are years from now. Details of which which might imply that Najib as 1MDB adviser may have been involved. What then?

He resigns in shame? Get real. If he is the type to resign because of that, he would have resigned a long time ago. Get it through our heads that Najib will only go, first, if he is criminally indicted here in Malaysia, or second, if his own party reject him as their boss for whatever reason. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether there is any chance of these happening in the near future.

The first one looks unlikely irrespective of whatever civil suit some smart-ass institute for publicity. As for the second one, you just have to figure out under what circumstances will his party kick him out. The answer is staring in your face if you would only look hard enough. If Najib is a liability to BN forming the government after PRU14, he will be kicked out before that. Period.

As to how you are to convince UMNO of that, you have been granted a fighting chance by God. Let BN lose the by-elections, where UMNO can study and calculate from the results that UMNO has lost the rural and semi-rural Malay votes which it depends on for dear life. That’s not rocket-science. If it hasn’t, then that’s your funeral, you dreamers!

You just have to be single-minded about proving that the people has had enough of Najib. From the start, in the naming of the candidates for a straight fight, and your campaign ceramahs stressing on Najib’s so-called intransigence. Nothing about bad roads, bad jetties etc., please. Don’t talk about those stuff, you are sure to lose.

If the voters believe you more than their cock and bull stories, UMNO will piss in their pants. Don’t just convince each other and get angrier every time. Convince the unconverted using the resources you have collected over eight years as the ruling governments in two states plus Kelantan. Unless you have squandered them off by yourself, then you don’t deserve our time of day.

As it is now, I am not convinced that you seriously want Najib to go. You may have signed the Mahathir document, but action speaks louder than words. Show us that your petty ego trips can be postponed. Stick to what really matters, just for this time. That act in itself will put fear of God in UMNO, and impress the voters that you are serious buggers and not some five-foot way politicians fun to listen to.

And maybe think outside the box. Ask Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to stay out. His presence piss a lot of people and your victory should not be shared with the very person whose shit you fought against for umpteen years. He’s done, if you feel you still need his presence than you are not worth the politician you think you are. Try something different. Don’t do anything that doesn’t work, twice. Get rid of your baggage and garbage. What have you got to lose?

Finally, never depend on others to fight your battles. Let the foreigners do what they have to do to be right by them. Remember, Najib is not going to quit by your shrill barking or by some bad PR. If you cannot show that you have the pragmatism to do what’s right this time, PRU14 will be just a formality of politics being as usual. And don’t come crying to the people about Bangladeshi voters la, about this la, about that la. IT’S ABOUT YOU !!
