Penang Govt: Ini merupakan transaksi di antara dua pihak swasta

Lim Hock Seng


This is the official reply from Penang EXCO YB Lim Hock Seng (pic) yesterday.

9. Akhir sekali, Y.B. Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan telah membangkitkan semula berkaitan isu nilai tanah. Beliau berulangkali menekankan tentang harga transaksi di antara Ewein Berhad dengan CZBUCG yang mana merupakan transaksi di antara dua pihak swasta. Sebagai Kerajaan Negeri, penilaian JPPH adalah wajib digunapakai.

After being given proof twice with official documents to prove the land was immediately sold at between RM845 psf to RM1,300 psf by CZBUCG for total value of more than RM3 billion, the DAP Penang Govt had twice stood firm and answered “The JPPH valuation is RM475psf only”.

But when asked a third time, the Penang Govt tried to wash its hands and said “ini ialah urusan swasta”.

What a strange answer from the “accountable” Penang Govt.

The DAP Penang state govt gives land to a private company and it turns around to immediately sell it for two to three times the value and it is considered “ini merupakan transaksi di antara dua pihak swasta”?

There is nothing wrong with this?

Did they even try to sell the land using an open tender? Is valuing land at two to three times below actual market value considered as good governance?

And why rely on JPPH valuation which we know has a 6 months expiry and depends on the land-use condition at that time which we all know is frequently lower than market value?

To give you an example, in the year 2012 when confronted with accusations that the Penang Govt had sold Bayan Mutiara land below market value, LGE admitted he did not follow JPPH valuation and praised himself for selling land at 2 to 3 times above the JPPH value.

This is what he said then in 2012:

“Lim Guan Eng disclosed today valuation documents proving his government sold a 102.6-acre plot of prime land in Bayan Mutiara at over double the market rate. He said the land had been valued at RM84 psf for an 18-acre plot and RM65 psf for an 88-acre plot as of November 2009.

Barely six months later on April 7, 2010, Lim said, the Penang government set its rate for the state-owned land at RM200 psf, well above the valuated price. “When I decided to fix the price at RM200, everyone opposed. They said — you can’t sell it. But I said — let’s try. I prefer to fail trying than not trying at all … luckily we succeeded,”

So, when the DAP Penang Govt sells land at market value which is way above the JPPH valuation, LGE praises himself.

But when the same DAP Penang Govt sells land at the JPPH valuation way below market value, they say “ini merupakan transaksi di antara dua pihak swasta’?

Ini macam pun boleh? (original article was in the now-defunct Malaysian Insider).


