How Hadi very cleverly killed Amanah


Actually this is a brilliant move by Hadi. Now the Malay voters in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar can see that the Chinese from both sides of the political divide are united against Islam. And unless PKR and Amanah speak up, they, too, will be seen as running dogs of the Chinese who oppose Islam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Umno, representing Barisan Nasional, will be contesting the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections next month. On the other side will be PAS, who claims ownership of those two seats based on the fact that the party had contested those seats in the previous general election(s).

DAP wants Amanah to also contest those seats thus making it a three-corner contest in both constituencies. DAP does not mind if Umno wins those seats just as long as PAS loses. It is not clear yet whether PKR would allow Amanah to take both those seats or whether PKR will contest in Sungai Besar with Amanah contesting only in Kuala Kangsar.

Umno Youth does not support their candidate for Kuala Kangsar, the widow of the recently deceased Member of Parliament who died in the helicopter crash in Sarawak. And Umno Youth quotes verses from the Qur’an in their opposition to the candidate.

This, of course, is typical of most Malays, Umno Malays included. They will quote the Qur’an when it suits them and ignore the Qur’an when it pleases them. While they quote the Qur’an regarding their opposition to the Kuala Kangsar candidate, they very conveniently ignore the Qur’an when it comes to other more important issues such as God’s laws and so on.

I suppose this is just like uttering Bismillah as you take a sip of your beer and uttering Alhamdulillah when the beer makes you burp. Yes, Malays, in particular Umno Malays, can be very religious and quote the Qur’an in one instant and become Satanic the next. And they oppose Umno’s choice of the Kuala Kangsar candidate because of their love and respect for the Qur’an — yeah, right, and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad only wants to save Malaysia and not make his son prime minister.

Anyway, the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, has tabled a private member’s bill as you can see below. And the Chinese from DAP, MCA, Gerakan, etc., are jumping up and down in protest. They accuse Hadi of trying to push for Hudud and accuse Umno of trying to change the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

This is the problem with Chinese schools. Malaysian Chinese end up not understanding Bahasa Malaysia and then they start seeing words such as ‘Hudud’ and ‘Amend the Constitution’ in texts such as the one below.

Maybe they should pass a law that all candidates in the general election should be made to sit for a Bahasa Malaysia exam and if they fail they should be barred from contesting the election. I mean why should we allow Chinese who do not understand Bahasa Malaysia to become Members of Parliament or State Assemblypersons?

And we can see that many Chinese do not understand Bahasa Malaysia and that is why they are screaming about a so-called ‘Hudud Bill’ that they allege Hadi is trying to pass in Parliament by ‘amending the Constitution’.

What a bunch of idiots these DAP, MCA and Gerakan Chinese are. And then they proudly scream about their 5,000 years of civilisation.

Whatever it may be, have you noticed that while DAP, MCA and Gerakan are jumping up and down like a cat on a hot tin roof, PKR and Amanah have maintained a deafening silence? Yes, what are PKR’s and Amanah’s response to the so-called ‘Hudud Bill’ and the so-called ‘amendments to the Constitution’?

PKR and Amanah will either have to explain that there is no such ‘Hudud Bill’ or ‘amendment to the Constitution’ (thus making DAP, MCA and Gerakan look real stupid and prove that they do not speak Bahasa Malaysia) or PKR and Amanah just keep quiet (like they are now doing) and prove that they oppose the Syariah.

PKR and Amanah are sandwiched between a rock and a hard place. If they agree with DAP, MCA and Gerakan they would be seen as anti-Islam as well. If they agree with the Bill to prove they are not anti-Islam then they would be seen as agreeing with PAS. And if they just keep quiet and say nothing then the Malay voters in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar would question what is PKR’s and Amanah’s stand on Islam.

Actually this is a brilliant move by Hadi. Now the Malay voters in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar can see that the Chinese from both sides of the political divide are united against Islam. And unless PKR and Amanah speak up, they, too, will be seen as running dogs of the Chinese who oppose Islam.

And after the opposition loses the Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar by-elections, the issue will die down and go away and something else will surface to take its place as the top story of the day. Hah! Don’t underestimate Hadi Awang. He is cleverer than many of you give him credit for.




Dato’ Seri Haji Abdul Hadi bin Awang [Marang]:

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Bahawa Dewan ini memberikan kebenaran menurut Peraturan Mesyuarat 49(1) kepada Yang Berhormat Ahli bagi kawasan Marang untuk mencadangkan suatu Rang Undang-undang Ahli Persendirian bernama Rang Undang-undang Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) (Pindaan) 2016 seperti berikut;

(i) menggantikan Seksyen 2 dengan seksyen berikut: “2. mahkamah syariah akan mempunyai kuasa ke atas seseorang penganut agama Islam dan di dalam hal-hal kesalahan di bawah perkara-perkara yang disenaraikan di dalam Butiran 1 Senarai Negeri di bawah Jadual Kesembilan Undang-undang Persekutuan.”; dan

(ii) memasukkan selepas Seksyen 2 dengan seksyen berikut: “2A. dengan menjalankan undang-undang jenayah di bawah Seksyen 2, Mahkamah Syariah berhak menjatuhkan hukuman yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang Syariah berkaitan hal-hal kesalahan yang disenaraikan di bawah seksyen yang disebutkan di atas selain dari hukuman mati.

Terima kasih.

Sumber: Handsard Parlimen


Does Amanah support DAP’s, MCA’s and Gerakan’s anti-Islam stand?

