MCA questions why DAP silent on PAS Private Members Bill

Chew Kok Woh

(The Star) – MCA central committee member Datuk Chew Kok Woh (pic) has questioned why DAP have remained silent on the matter of PAS’ Private Members’ Bill on Syariah law.

“Maybe the DAP is in a guilty mood. After all, they actively advocated for Chinese voters to back PAS all the way in during 2013 General Election.

“DAP leaders sat side by side with PAS and campaigned together.

“Remember the DAP said PAS won’t push for hudud and even organised trips to Kelantan to show it is supposedly a paradise?” he asked.

In spite of DAP’s public break-up with the Islamist party, Chew claimed that DAP exco members were still attending meetings together daily.

“The DAP and PAS are still sitting side-by-side. Dare the DAP denied this fact?” he asked.

He wondered where was the “usual rhetoric and bravado” of DAP leaders, adding that DAP’s Selangor leadership should be prepared to step down if PKR and PAS supported the motion when it is put to a vote.

