Wan Azizah; I Saw The Face Of Our Enemy and The Enemy Is Us!


The Malaysian Observer

Wan Azizah in her quiet reflective moments has to wonder; when did things start to go wrong.

During the early part of 2015, the Opposition was riding high with confidence in the belief that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s days were numbered.  They (Opposition) believed that with their two (2) pronged (PKR and DAP) attack they could put enough pressure through the court of public opinion that the Prime Minister would have no choice, but to resign.

Instead of hurling accusations at the Prime Minister which they (Opposition) knew would not resonate with the rakyat; they instead had chosen one theme (1MDB) as their weapon of choice.  However as the preconceived time tables for the Prime Minister’s ouster came and went; sectors of the Opposition started pointing fingers as to which of them was responsible for not pulling their weight to secure the removal of Prime Minister Najib Razak from office!

However, that was not the onset of the problems within the Opposition.  The fishers of discontent could be seen as early as the ‘Kajang Move’ when you had Opposition members conspiring against one of their own; former Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Seri Abd Khalid Ibrahim.

Back stabbing one of their own could not have been lost on the ranking members of both DAP and PKR as they realized that if it could happen to Khalid, then it could happen to them as well!  An additional revelation was how the DAP treated PAS more like an unwanted pet than as a real partner.  The pet’s purpose was to come and go as the master (DAP) summoned and to choose the candidate that they (DAP and PKR) wanted as their one and only choice (Datuk Wan Azizah for Selangor Menteri Besar.

It was when PAS showed their own initiative that the DAP started to refer to them as traitors to the Opposition cause!   That initiative cause the DAP’s true not so hidden feelings to show when Lim Guan Eng criticized how PAS was unable to manage certain affairs of Kelantan!

If there is a thin line between love and hate then the DAP expressed it through their new feeling towards PAS!  Masking the hate that they (DAP) harbored for PAS was the love they had for the Malay votes that they wanted PAS to secure for them.  With PAS out of the Opposition fold, the DAP quickly let them (PAS) know how they have always felt; disdain!


