MP Nawawi just taught me something that I can only learn from a BN MP

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

There are many kinds of morons. The dangerous ones are the ones who, out of the quirks of the selection process, became the people’s trustees and speak out to remove all doubts that they are indeed morons. Not knowing what they don’t know.

Such is the Member of Parliament for Langkawi, Nawawi Ahmad, who announced to the public his outrageous finding that the money that the government is managing as a trustee is not the people’s money! And that if it really belongs to the people, they could then ask for it back from government departments.

This engineer (check which university graduated such a moron) has never heard of taxes (i.e. money, YB!) being collected from the people through laws passed by the people (i.e. parliament, YB!) to be managed by the elected government in power, for the benefit of the people (citizens, irrespective of their political affiliations, YB!). It IS the people’s money (beneficiaries, YB!)

Maybe after the above short tutorial, someone, maybe his child, should whisper in his ears that “Democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people” and that has not perished from this earth. If he hasn’t even heard of democracy, ask him to Google it. (Engineer YB, G-O-O-G-L-E, in case he can’t spell it for the computer, assuming he has one!).

How he slipped through the selection process is a mystery, unless of course intelligence is not BN’s filtering criteria in the selection process. His MP colleagues would have been squirming in their seats when they read what he said. When I was working in Langkawi in the eighties, the PAS Pusat Tarbiyah was housed in a dilapidated house in Ulu Melaka and I wondered how anyone could ever pass through that shack to be an MP. Obviously, the BN one must be worse than that.

Maybe he is the exception. Or maybe not. After all, an experienced minister of umpteen years tried to explain that the support given by the government to TG Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill was because, at PAS’s request, the penalties in Kelantan need to be increased since lesser punishments do not seem to deter the Kelantanese Muslims from being offenders. The other states’ Muslims are okay, according to him.

I would give the minister the benefit of the doubt that in belittling an amendment of such great import, he was speaking tongue in cheek to answer idiots who will swallow whatever a minister says as the gospel truth. Let’s ask Hadi if that was indeed the bill’s legislative intent. I guess then according to the minister’s logic, if people are afraid of their hands being chopped off, we may not even need Hudud after all! Shouldn’t it be the opposite, ideally?

Before BN-haters jump in glee, be cautioned that ill-intent can be disguised as moronic moves for other self-serving purposes. Such as following like dumb cows to spend and accept the market practice of technical studies for the billion-ringgit tunnel project to cost ten percent of its construction costs when the project itself is still up in the air. Otherwise, why ask the Federal Government now for permission for non-tunnel alternatives?

Ten percent already spent? Ah, trustees of public funds. So next, Selangor will spend the billions of ringgit in its reserves to conduct a study of Selangor sending a Selangorian to the moon — and then shelve the ambitious project? Look for consultants that will underwrite the PRU14 for PH. Ssh, don’t tell KETUM. After all, according to our engineer YB, the money belongs to the government and not the people! And his advice was never to let the money go to other people but your friends!

Those above-quoted words alone are enough to disqualify the moron from selection as next term’s MP. I would advise that he spend the next two years learning how to kiss Prime Minister Najib Razak’s and his wife Rosmah Mansor’s hands. Take a tip from the Tabung Haji chairman on how to do it with the gushing and unabashed emotions of gratitude and hope of a serf, and that expected disqualification might just be reversed! Such is Najib’s UMNO?

You think so?

