After 8 months, we are still waiting for the pen-drive

Charles Morias2


In November last year, Charles Morais, the brother of the late Kevin Morais, tried to implicate Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in the murderer of his brother by saying that Kevin was working on a case of involving Najib.

Despite the fact that Kevin Morais was already transferred back to the AGC from MACC more than a year prior to his death and despite denials from both the AGC and MACC that Kevin was involved in the Najib case, Charles Morais made a very public Statutory Declaration (SD) that he has a pen-drive full of information that could nail Najib.

“72. I am in possession of a pen drive Kevin sent to me by courier before he died, as I mentioned above. It is in safe custody in the USA with someone who has instructions to release it publicly should anything untoward happen to me for swearing this statutory declaration. The contents of this pen drive clearly and unequivocally reveal the investigations Kevin had been tasked with just before his untimely death which implicate certain personalities who currently walk the corridors of power in Malaysia.”

However, immediately after he made the SD, Charles cabut from the country when PDRM asked him to hand over the thumb drive.

It is coming up to eight months soon. What happened to your thumb-drive, Charles?

Can you just copy the contents onto Dropbox or Google Drive and share with the world?

Or you were joking only, is it?

If this person ever comes back to Malaysia, people should lodge police report against him for making a false SD and let the police investigate.

That is because, until now, many people still believe Najib killed Kevin Morais despite the fact that SEVEN persons are currently undergoing a trial for his murder.

This fella come here to kencing the whole of Malaysia and then cabut – making the PAKATUNs feel stupid.

Charles Morais

