Are the murders of Hussain Ahmad Najadi and Kevin Morais linked to Najib?


The Cigarette Smoking Man

The unfortunate incident that occurred on the 9th of July 2013 really was a case of hitting the wrong target. Hussain wasn’t the target.

The land that is the site of the Kuan Yin Temple along Jalan Ceylon is the focus of this incident. The land is in the middle of a land-grab squabble and the temple’s trustees refused to let go of the land.

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The location of the land is inside the Golden Triangle thus making it an attractive grab. This was confirmed by the Kuala Lumpur CID Chief, Datuk Zainuddin Ahmad, in November of last year.

In the report, the main culprit also paid a tow-truck driver, Kong See Kwan, RM20,000 to assassinate an interested party. Kong was found guilty for the murder of Hussain in September of last year and has been sentenced to death.

According to a source, a few days before the incident, the temple’s trustees were adamant not to let go of the land. This led to the appointment of a mediator by interested parties to “soften” the formers’ heart.

KUALA LUMPUR 28 September 2015. Adik kepada mendiang Anthony Kevin Morais, Datuk Richard Morais (kiri) hadir pada perbicaraan kes pembunuhan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Anthony Kevin Morais di Mahkamah Majistret 7, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. NSTP/Aizuddin Saad

Among Kuala Lumpur’s underworld the name “Black Jesus” is synonymous with violent intimidations. Black Jesus is the name given to Datuk Richard Morais (pic above), the brother of DPP Kevin Morais. Richard is said to be surrounded by guns. More so that he had a “Get Out of Jail Free” card in his brother who was in the Attorney-General’s Office.

Richard became the obvious choice as a “mediator” for the interested parties. His method was simple: flash a gun at the temple’s trustees and tell them what is waiting for them if they refuse to sell the land.

This led to the trustees appointing Hussain as a mediator to soften Richard. A meeting for the two was set for the 9th of July 2013 on the temple grounds.

Apart from appointing Hussain, Kong See Kwan was also hired to wait outside the temple. The instruction was simple – a photo of Richard Morais was given to Hong and he is to terminate Richard upon the latter’s arrival. His target was Richard, not Hussain.

That morning, Kong was driven to the temple in a taxi and waited in front of a shop outside the temple with Richard as his target. Not being a professional hired killer, Kong had actually arrived late. When he arrived, Richard had already left.

Not long after Kong arrived, Hussain and his wife emerged from the temple entrance, leaving the grounds. Kong walked up to the two and shot them at point-blank range killing Hussain and injuring his wife. Kong was identified through footages captured by at least seven CCTVs installed in that area.

Kong never knew that he had shot the wrong target. He had no idea of his simple but grave mistake until the day of his trial began.

The incident had nothing to do with politics. It had nothing to do with the Ambank personal accounts bearing Najib’s name. It had nothing to do with the murder of Kevin Morais. It was all about wanting to eliminate Black Jesus and greed.

Kevin Morais

