Mahathir could only give an angry stare …


Another Brick in the Wall

On Sunday, exactly last week, Tun Dr Mahathir appeared at Sungai Besar to attend a make shift colloquium on 1MDB organised by DAP.

Three days later, it was responded by Arul Kanda appeared in a forum which was had National Civics Bureau (BTN) director-general Datuk Ibrahim Saad and Bukit Aman’s Counter Terrorism deputy director Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay present.

But, 1MDB is not the subject of this posting. Let us layoff any comment till a posting on it. Wait out for a certain development.

What was most interesting was Tun M’s press conference. He said the two by-elections, which was meant to replace two MPs that died in a helicopter mishap, is a referendum on Dato Najib’s leadership.

Obviously, this is contrary to his seldom mentioned view during his premiership that the people’s referendum on leadership is only every five years. Even the people and interest group should not complain or criticise his administration. Express it during the general election.

He has recently had a change in view. The manner he is saying it was as though he never said those words. Is he suffering from amnesia?

If he does, how will his case be made out in court in his class action lawsuit against Najib?

Might as well withdraw since he has a tendency to be forgetful in court and Royal Commission hearing. Yet he is so macho to not answer to police investigation but will only answer when charged.

Joceline Tan wrote about Tun M’s interview and mentioned “he did not look pleased when asked what if Umno wins both seats on June 18” [read here]. It was in the same PC that Tun M was calling those defending Najib or in other word, those not supporting him as “pemakan dedak (chicken feed)”

Sources at the PC was saying he did not answer a question when asked for a response to the possibility that UMNO end up winning both by-elections but gave an angry stare.

Talk among reporters was that he called a pesky reporter a Najib supporter and “pemakan dedak” for pursuing him on the same question. Hmmm … he should have done something about the low pay of reporters during his time instead of childish reaction of belittling them.


