Mahathir is licking his wounds which have a lot to do with his fight to stay relevant

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

The Malay voters of Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar have spoken; they trust their future in the hands of UMNO. Rightly or wrongly, they have screamed out loud to those who want to listen.

Does it mean that they believe that Prime Minister Najib Razak is innocent of allegations of impropriety regarding 1MDB? No, the jury is still out; they may change their minds when sufficient evidence is adduced instead of whatever that there are on the table right now.

All they have said is simply that from the array of political parties to choose from, UMNO is better trusted than the rest. In that context, the allegations of the billions of Ringgit stolen pale in comparison to their concern about their children’s future. But won’t mismanagement of the country by UMNO lead to a destruction of the country? Sure it will they say, but where is proof that it is.

PAS still retained its followers; it only lost the Chinese votes it got during their Pakatan Rakyat days. Amanah reinforced its DAP’s Uncle Tom image and did not steal PAS hardcore followers. In both constituencies Amanah got more Chinese votes than Malay votes. Quite remarkable for a supposedly Islamist party. BN retained its predominantly Malay votes, whatever you may say.

So what did the two by-elections tell us that we don’t already know?

First, that nobody who has anything to give, gave a shit about Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Everybody voted the way they are predisposed to. He may be right, he may not be right. Nobody gives a shit what he said. Even if one day his allegations may be found to coincide with the truth, it will not matter what people think of him then and now. He is history. He is like his nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim. One is inside the prison, though both should be.

Second, the opposition not only has not got its act together, it doesn’t actually care. The two Malay parties were pathetically fighting for the second prize for the sake of their own egos. It is now proven that lame dicks don’t get to fook, only the first prize winner does. And Muslim dicks are awkward with non-circumcised tips.

It would have been exciting if they had put aside their physiological differences and fight what they had both earlier said they abhor, but that kind of talk didn’t seem to bring on any hard-on! I guess having the appendages hanging out there for all to see, though lame, was good enough for them. Both will make statements about being happy with their encouraging performances. They forgot to ask the lady. Syiok sendiri!

You don’t want to ask PKR for their comments unless you want to listen to broken records of unfair fights, etc. As for Azmin Ali, he is the biggest winner. According to a friend he is playing chess to lose the battle and win the war. I don’t play chess so all I got to say to Azmin is not to forget the people, chess or no chess. And whoever is his boss, I feel sorry for them. Azmin’s canoe is well-parked.

As I watch Najib speaking on TV now, with a smirk on his face when he poked fun at Mahathir’s 91 years age, I just hope it will not become a permanent one like Mahathir’s. TGHA’s demeanour is already like Dato Asri Muda’s, so what’s new?

So the lesson we can learn from this, if you want to win, don’t carry the albatross, which people still hate, on your shoulders. Let’s put Mahathir to pasture and concentrate without having to deal with his past and present shit.

