Muhyiddin has to clear his name



Recently, I have been asked why I am not commenting on Muhyiddin Yassin’s alleged extra-marital sex-for-money issue and whether this is true or not.

My answer to them is that this is really their own personal issues and I dislike this sort of politicking.

Plus, I did not think that this was an appropriate issue to bring up before due to the up-coming by-elections then.

Those who keep asking me via messaging said that since TSMY is a public figure and a Muslim, they have a right to know whether there is any truth to this.

Now that the elections are over, I will just answer what my own thoughts are and will not mock or troll TSMY on this issue.

Firstly, RPK has been writing about this issue for over two weeks and there was no reply from TSMY.

It was only after RPK published an article last Thursday with the actual court documents and case numbers relating to the case that TSMY quickly came out with a denial where he called RPK a slanderer in the month of Ramadan.

In response, RPK exposed an affidavit affirmed by a named High-Court commissioner from one Stanley Clement Augustin which contains very lurid details – including business transactions that can be easily linked to TSMY.

Now, this is thus an official document submitted into court and this Stanley Augustin person is no small potato.

In fact, Stanley Augustin is a pretty big deal if compared to the average Malaysian.

He owns his own law-firm now but was a DPP with the AG Chambers for many years before.

He was also the chief assistant to the late Former Lord President Abdul Hamid.

In 1999, Stanley was part of the prosecuting team under ex-AG Gani in the Anwar trials.

Stanley was also the main prosecuting officer in several high-profile cases like the famed Noritta strangulation trials and the case where the Datuk Seri was accused of murder when his nephew was found drowned in his own home in Ampang,

He was then attached to BNM as a prosecuting officer until he started his own firm.

And just last year, he was the lawyer who got selfie-fan Khairuddin Abu Hassan out of jail when he put in under POTA.

But the part that I find most serious is that after RPK exposed the actual signed SD, MalaysiaKini contacted Stanley.

Stanley did not deny this SD nor say that this is slander or fake SD. He just declined comment.

As the details in there can bring much shame to Stanley too, he did not seem to eager to say the SD is fake. You can make your own conclusion here.

Also, in the exposed SD, RPK had also blanked out the part of who allegedly paid off the lady with RM5 million.

I am sure this is a tactic by RPK to keep another bullet in his pocket for future use. Since this is asking a so-called “Chinese tycoon” to pay, there is also an element of cronyism or corruption here which I am sure RPK could go into in future.

it is also noted that since RPK exposed this SD on Friday, there has been no reaction from TSMY since.

These are my observations and opinion are about this case. It is reminded that even though he is no longer the Deputy Prime Minister but he is still the Deputy President of UMNO and a Member of Parliament – thus, I believe TSMY should clear his name if this is false or if true, ask for forgiveness.

Personally, I will however not troll this issue and attempt not to make jokes about this issue though.


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