Mahathir Seems Upset With Malaysians Exercising Their Democratic Right To Choose!


The Malaysian Observer

Following the recent (June 18th) Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections thrashing handed out to Pakatan Harapan, Tun Mahathir suggested that there was something wrong with Malaysian voters.

This almost seems like if the voters vote in the manner that he wants then they are astute, but if the vote counter to that then they suffer from some grave mental deficiency!  That type of mentality brought forth from Tun Mahathir shows how much he is out of touch with the rakyat!

Tun Mahathir is living in his past and believes that the rest of Malaysia should join him in his soujourn.  During that period when he (Tun Mahathir) was running things, it was conceivable that his mere endorsement of at candidate would be enough to ensure election victory!  Not so these days.  No endorsement on his part or personal appearance is influential enough to help the candidate(s) of his choice.

In looking back at Sarawak we can also see how the Tun Mahathir factor did not help Pakatan Harapan.  Even though Tun Mahathir did not have his boots on the ground, he and Pakatan Harapan (DAP, PKR, Amanah et al) were surely hoping that his being part of their (Anything Aginst Najib) group would lead the way to election victory there!

Rest assured, had things turned out differently in the Sarawak election, Tun Mahathir would have found a way to show how that vote proved that he is more popular than the Prime Minister and as such, the Prime Minister should step down from office!

Team Barisan Nasional’s victory spoiled any sly victory smile Tun Mahathir was gearing up for; his smiles of late have turned into scows!

In the true sense of sour grapes, Tun Mahathir could not claim any type of referendum victory over Prime Minister Seri Datuk Najib Razak; alternatively what he and the rest of Pakatan Harapan said was the win in Sarawak was only due to incumbent Menteri Besar, Adenan Satem and had nothing to do the government or the Prime Minister!

Spinning the narrative that manner was Tun Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan’s way of telling the rakyat that Sarawak was an aberration due to a very popular Menteri Besar and that they (Pakatan Harapan) are still the better choice!

However, following the recent twin by-elections in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar, Tun Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan could not use a sole individual’s personality, Bangladeshis or force majeure as key factors contributing to Team Barisan Nasional’s victories and Pakatan Harapan’s losses!.  So the only thing that they could come up with was to attribute money politics as the reason for Team Barisan Nasional’s twin wins!


