DAP’s arrogance makes them ignorant of the Muslim mind
Maybe in another few hundred years Muslims will become just like the Jews and Christians and can accept the concept of separation of church and state. Until then, even those Muslims who feel that Malaysia is (or should be) a Secular State where Islam has no business interfering in our lives will not dare openly say so. And this is what DAP and the non-Malays/non-Muslims do not understand.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
This was what Joceline Tan said today is her article ‘The end of a dream’:
The average DAP leader does not have a clue about how to approach the heartland Malays. Only Umno and PAS are able to feel the pulse in such areas.
How did a seasoned party like DAP misread the ground? Is it because they believe everything they read on the Internet? Or do they think that the rest of Malaysia are like the angry urban Chinese?
The Internet opinion about politics and issues seems so foreign in the rural Malay belt.
It is likely that like politicians everywhere, DAP leaders only believe what they want to believe. (READ MORE HERE)
I have been trying to tell Malaysians, especially those who are not Malays-Muslims, this for so long. You need to understand the Malay-Muslim mind. What you see is not what you get. The Malays-Muslims have a very different way of thinking. And you never know whether that particular Malay-Muslim is Malay first, or Muslim first and Malay second. Nevertheless, for sure he or she is Malaysian third.
So it is pointless telling Malays that we are all Malaysians and hence we should all be treated equally as Malaysians. Some Malays can buy that argument. But the majority of Malays will smile and nod and may even agree with you. However, in his or her heart, he or she will say I am Muslim first, Malay second, and Malaysian third. Finally, of course, I am a member of Umno, PAS, or whatever.
I have said this before and allow me to say it again. Religion is the art of brainwashing and indoctrination — any religion, not just Islam. You are not born, say, a Hindu. Your parents happen to be Hindus when you were born. And as you grow up and as you reach an impressionable age you are brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing in Hinduism. By the time you reach a certain age you are already a hardcore Hindu.
The same applies to all religions. Let’s say once the baby is born you take the baby away from his/her parents and do not expose him/her to any religion. Then, once the child is, say 18, you send him/her back to his/her parents. The parents then start talking to this 18-year-old about God, Holy Books, Prophets, and so on.
The 18-year-old who has never been exposed to religion since the day he/she was born would probably think that his/her parents are mad, totally bonkers. I mean, if you have never heard of the story of Prophet Muhammad’s night journey before this (WHICH YOU CAN READ BELOW) would you believe that story? (Muslims would because they have heard this story before and have been brought up into believing it).
To, say, Christians, this story (BELOW) is as unbelievable as how the Muslims would regard the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus three days later. So, Jesus died on the cross and came back to life three days later while Muhammad flew up to heaven to meet Allah to receive the command for the five times a day prayers.
Hindus, while they pray to their ‘true’ god with the elephant’s head or the God with many hands (which the Christians and Muslims will laugh at), would say that both the Christians and Muslims suffer from delusion and need professional help.
The long and the short of it all is that it is all about faith. You believe not because it happens to be true, or because it can be proven to be true (in fact, nothing about religion can be proven), but because you have faith and you believe. I have said this many times before: faith is the word you use to explain lack of evidence.
Can you be put to death based on an allegation that you murdered someone but then there is no evidence that you did commit the murder? Of course not! But then you can be put to death for apostasy even though there is no evidence that God exists.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Very few Muslim countries still put you to death for apostasy or heresy like in the past (at least Malaysia does not) and in the Judeo-Christian world they no longer put you to death for apostasy (or even for heresy). But do not mistake practice from doctrine. For example, sodomy or homosexuality is still considered a sin for the Abrahamic faiths but they no longer kill you for that and even allow gay priests nowadays.
Judaism and Christianity actually do not have the concept of separation of church and state. It is Jews and Christians who do. But then even the British Prime Minister made the ‘mistake’ of saying that Britain is a Christian country (and got whacked for saying that).
He did not say that Britain is a theological state. He just said that Britain is a Christian country. And while some people whacked him for saying that, many others agreed with that statement. In fact, the British are the worst Christians in the world (some call Britain ‘Godless’) and yet many British agree that Britain is a Christian country. They also have St George as their saint and his cross on their flag.
So, DAP created PAN as their counter to PAS. PAS supports the Syariah. Does PAN oppose the Syariah? PAN will definitely not oppose the Syariah. It is just that they will not openly declare whether they support or oppose the Syariah.
Those in PAN can, of course, try to trick the non-Malays by saying that they do not oppose the Syariah but only oppose Hudud. Or maybe they can say they only oppose PAS’s version of the Hudud. But then what do they mean they only oppose Hudud or PAS’s version of the Hudud?
Can they explain what is the difference between PAS’s version of Hudud and Allah’s version of Hudud? Does that mean the laws in chapter 24 of the Qur’an do not apply any longer? If we can now reject the laws of chapter 24 of the Qur’an can we then reject all the others as well?
In fact, there are some laws not even mentioned in the Qur’an but are only in the Hadith. For example, the Qur’an does not say Muslims must pray five times a day. The Qur’an just talks about Prophet Muhammad’s night journey but it does not say Muslims must pray five times a day. So why pray five times a day if it is not in the Qur’an?
Asking Muslims to choose between PAS and PAN based on PAS supports Hudud while PAN opposes Hudud is suicidal. What next are you going to throw into the pot? PAS opposes beauty contests, porn, prostitution, gay marriages, apostasy, heresy, drinking, gambling, extramarital sex, etc., while PAN supports all that? You are giving PAN a death sentence by asking the voters to choose one or the other based on PAS is extreme and/or fundamentalist while PAN is progressive and/or moderate.
What was Prophet Muhammad then? Was Prophet Muhammad extreme and/or a fundamentalist or was he progressive and/or a moderate? Explain why you say he was either one or the other and give examples and incidences to support your assumption.
In Islam there is only Islam. There is no extreme, fundamentalist, progressive or moderate Islam. It is like you cannot be a little bit pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not. No two ways about it. Or are you telling me that an extreme or fundamentalist Muslim is one who does not drink while a progressive or moderate Muslim is one who drinks?
In Islam a Muslim who drinks is not called a progressive or moderate Muslim. He or she is called Fasiq. So the correct Islamic terminology for a progressive or moderate Muslim (meaning one who drinks) is Fasiq. And no Muslim would like to be called Fasiq because that is an insult.
It is like Anina Saadudin calling Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak Mahafiraun. Why call Najib Mahafiraun or the Great Pharaoh? Basically, according to the Bible and the Qur’an, Pharaoh is the person/ruler who rejected God (or Allah) as the one and only/true God. And for rejecting the one and true God he was punished. So, whoever rejects God, that person is akin to Pharaoh. In this case God means Allah.
Can you see how the mind of Anina works? Even when she wants to insult Najib she goes back to the Qur’an and applies the stories from the Qur’an (which are also stories in the Bible) to do so.
So, Anina believes in the Qur’an. Anina believes in the stories of the Qur’an. Anina believes that the Pharaoh did clash with Moses around 3,600 years ago as what the Qur’an says. And for that God punished the Pharaoh and declared Moses’ people as the chosen people who would settle in the chosen land. So, if you want to insult Najib, you call him Mahafiraun because that is the greatest insult and there is no greater insult than that.
But how does Anina know that Moses did exist and that story of the clash between the Pharaoh and Moses did happen? I mean that was supposed to have happened 3,600 years ago and we do not even know if King Arthur or Robin Hood did exist even though that is more recent.
Well, it is all about faith and belief. And some even believe that Allah exists and that the Qur’an did come from Allah and that Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and the last Prophet and that Muslims must accept God’s commands, which includes God’s laws and much more.
Maybe in another few hundred years Muslims will become just like the Jews and Christians and can accept the concept of separation of church and state. Until then, even those Muslims who feel that Malaysia is (or should be) a Secular State where Islam has no business interfering in our lives will not dare openly say so.
And this is what DAP and the non-Malays/non-Muslims do not understand.
Muhammad’s Night Journey to Jerusalem
Muhammad’s Night Journey is the story of the prophet’s transportation from Mecca to Jerusalem, and his ascension to heaven. According to the Quran, he was escorted on this journey by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel).
Muhammad’s Night Journey, an important part of the Islamic tradition, relays the story of the prophet’s transportation from Mecca to “the farthest mosque”, which is believed to be the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Following prayers, the Lailat al Miraj took place, which led to Muhammad’s ascension to heaven.
The story begins with the Jibreel appearing to Muhammad and taking him to white beast, probably similar to a horse. This same beast was used by other prophets before him, including Abraham (Ibrahim). Leading Muhammad to Jerusalem, the prophet met with other important Islamic figures from the past, leading them in prayer. At this point, Muhammad chose to drink milk over wine, leading to Jibreel’s decree that wine would lead the Muslims to lose the righteous path of Allah.
Continuing from Jerusalem, Muhammad and Jibreel flew on the beast, rising through the first gate of heaven and continuing on to the seventh heaven. Along the way, he encountered many important figures from the history of Islam, including Adam, Isa, John, and Joseph son of Jacob. He passed through the great flood, then encountered Harun and Moses (Musa). Jibreel and Muhammad continued past the gates of Paradise, where he met God and spoke to Him.
God ordered Muhammad and the Islamic faithful to pray 50 times a day, and after returning to ask again, Muhammad had the number reduced to ten, then five. Upon returning from Paradise, Muhammad came back to Mecca, where he described his journey to his followers. Muhammad described Jerusalem to Abu Bakr, who had been there, and he agreed that the description was accurate.
The Lailat al Miraj, the Night Journey, is still widely celebrated in some Muslim countries. It includes several special prayers, celebrations and offerings and lighting candles and lights.
Due to the importance of this story in Islam, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem have become an integral part of the Muslim faith. The mosque is considered holy by nearly all sects of Islam, and many faithful believers make the journey to visit the site.
While some believe that the journey was physical and Muhammad was actually transported to Jerusalem, and others claim that the journey was spiritual and his body remained where it was – all agree that the importance of Jerusalem in the story of Lailat al Miraj makes it a holy city in Islam. Thus, they join Christians and Jews in this belief, and the city of Jerusalem is holy to all three faiths. With its long Islamic history dating back centuries, it continues to play a major role in the Islamic tradition.