Hindraf is back pointing fingers


Raghavan Nair

The so-called Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) is back pointing fingers. Its ex-national advisor and current member of Hindraf People’s Movement, N. Ganesan, has jumped on the bandwagon of P. Waythamoorthy to ridicule and condemn the government. You can see here, https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/346786

Hindraf is so complicated that till now nobody knows for sure who is the real leader of the organisation. Furthermore, they keep changing their names and keep adding complex designation to their frail structure. There was a similar rant a week back by a so called ‘Senate’ of Hindraf People’s Movement, Mr. Ramesh Periasamy, on the same matter.

Now, which is which? Is it HINDRAF or Hindraf People’s Movement? It is probably easier to decipher the Da Vinci Code than to understand the complexities revolving Hindraf.

They plucked some figures from the trees behind their houses, drew some graphs and made comparisons. Anybody can put some numbers, draw some graphs and make accusations. From where did they get those numbers? Ganesan claims that PM Najib and gang does not do enough for Indians and out of 30,000 estimated stateless Indians in Malaysia only 1500 may potentially get the blue IC.

From the little I Googled, Special Indian Task Force (SITF) up to 2015, has helped 7049 Indians had their documentation issue resolved through SITF. Additionally, acknowledging the difficulties of getting the stateless Indians to come out to apply, many organisations have had various outreach programs. One effective approach was partnering with Indian community NGOs to resolve documentation issues on the ground. DHRRA Malaysia, an NGO has resolved 7108 cases of documentation since 2003 to 2015.

Lo and behold, these NGO’s were provided funds to undertake these outreach programs through Socio-Economic Development for the Indian Community (SEDIC), a unit under the Prime Minister’s Department. A shocker indeed.

Instead of trying to make your presence felt by shouting over the microphone, NGOs like Hindraf should be on the ground showing these people the light at the end of the tunnel. Why don’t you prove your claim of 30,000 is true Mr. Ganesan. Go and find them and bring them to Putrajaya and I will be standing by your side to fight for these 30,000 stateless Indians! That is the role of an NGO!

It is ever so easy to complain. Waytha does it very effectively.

He even did an Ambiga and went to the streets. He made use of the Indians. Made them demonstrate for him. While his brother went to prison, he ran to UK and hid. He used the money people sent to him from Malaysia and had a good time in London.

Waytha then made a deal with Barisan Nasional, joined the BN coalition and even became a Deputy Minister. From the man who questions, suddenly he was in a position to do something about the problems he claims foster rampantly among the Indians. But what did he do?

His only achievement as a deputy minister was creating a MoU. He tried to hijack millions from the government directly into his pocket. When he failed, he quit and said the government cheated him. From BN is evil to Pakatan is evil and then now BN is evil again. Everyone is evil except Waytha.

Anyway, I wonder what has prompted Waytha or Ganesan his proxy in this matter to suddenly try to become relevant again. Is it the money the BN government plans to allocate for Indians? Is he hoping that someone from BN approaches him and he gets to reconcile with the government so he can try pocketing the money again?

