Mahathir Tongue Tied When It Comes To Demanding Lim Guan Eng To Step Down!

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The Malaysian Observer

Tun Mahathir for all of his pontificating on why Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should have stepped down during the 1MDB investigation; he seems to be quite tongue tied when it comes to asking Lim Guan Eng to do the same.

What Tun Mahathir is doing is trying to blame (yet again) Prime Minister Najib Razak for trying to silence those who do not agree with him.   What Tun Mahathir does not mention is the alleged crime itself.   The fact that an illegal purchase of property seems (as there is still investigation) to have taken place and the present Penang Menteri Besar for all accounts appears to be the beneficiary of the said illegal property transaction.

Tun Mahathir had no trouble pointing to alleged wrong doings or misuse of position for personal gain when it came to leveling accusations at Prime Minister Najib Razak.  However he cannot do the same when it comes to Lim Guan Eng.  With this obvious double standard; there is no surprise people are saying that Tun Mahathir vendetta against Prime Minister Najib Razak is more personal than any desire to save Malaysia.

Had the same speculation of an illegal property purchase been placed on the Prime Minister; Tun Mahathir would be crying from atop Petronas towers about how Prime Minister Najib has no choice but to leave office.

The uncomfortable situation that Tun Mahathir finds himself in now is that he needs Lim Kit Siang’s DAP backing to keep his Save Malaysia alive.  So instead of asking Lim Guan Eng to step down he (Tun Mahathir) uses the technique of diversion.  He (Tun Mahathir) wants the rakyat to believe that the Prime Minister is going all out like he once had under the ISA to silence his critics!

What he does not say is Prime Minister Najib Razak’s name is not or the bill of sale or the purchase agreement.  And no matter how hard Tun Mahathir tries to force a round peg into a square hole, it just doesn’t fit!

It would be similar to someone stating that 2016 is proving to be disastrous for Tun Mahathir after his future proxy Prime Minister (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) is removed as Deputy Prime Minister.  Then his son (Mukhriz Mahathir) is removed as the Kedah Menteri Besar.  There are also the three (3) election loses that he (Tun Mahathir) was to save in Sarawak, Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar.  And the disasters continued with his son Mukhriz and proxy future Prime Muhyiddin Yassin being sacked from Umno.

Now to add insult to injury, his co-conspirator to remove Prime Minister Najib Razak Lim Kit Siang’s son (LGE) was arrested for purchasing a bungalow for a price way below market value.

With all that has taken place, one could try to force a square peg in a round hole in saying that this year is especially bad for Tun Mahathir.  Or one could look view it from a different perspective which would include the following.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin played political Russian roulette and lost (here)

Mukhriz believed in his or his father’s pipe dream of his (Mukhriz) becoming Prime Minister around the year 2020  (here)


