DAP creates Muslim terrorists
In short, whether rightly or wrongly, DAP is seen to have declared war on Islam. And while Islam forbids Muslims from aggression, Islam does allow Muslims to defend themselves when under attack. And when Soros attacked the Ringgit did not Mahathir consider that as Malaysia coming under attack from the Jews?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
If you were to read TK Chua’s commentary published in Free Malaysia Today (SEE BELOW), you will detect that the tone of the commentary is that the Muslims are the aggressors. And this is typical of how most non-Muslims look at this issue — the Muslims are the aggressors.
As the Malays would say: yang jahat orang Islam.
When you look at an issue to see how you can resolve that issue and you start with the position that the other side is 100% guilty, then there will be no resolution. You are 100% wrong. I am 100% right. Now let us see how we can stop you from continuing with your wrongful deeds.
This is how TK Chua and many of his peers are talking. You just need to read the commentaries and opinion pieces over the last few days to see this. We have a serious problem. Too many Muslims are extremists. We need to see how to curb these extremists.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said yesterday that the government would constantly monitor and ensure that ideologies, teachings or practices, which deviated from the true Islamic teachings, are curbed so that they do not proliferate in the country.
And herein lies the problem. The definition of ‘true Islamic teachings’ has yet to be agreed upon since the days of the Fourth Caliph, Ali. And because of that Ali faced a revolt from those who thought he was not following the ‘true teachings’ of Islam. And since then until today Islam has been divided with Muslims killing Muslims for 1,400 years.
When I write about this problem, the Muslims whack me and say that I am insulting Islam. The non-Muslims, in turn, say that I am an Islamic apologist. To both Muslims and non-Muslims I am wrong. To all these people there is absolutely no possibility that I may be right.
I started writing about this issue 26 years ago back in 1990 — around the time that I first started writing. And that was also around the time that the Americans invaded Iraq — also known as the First Iraq War or the Gulf War.
What I said then was that the US invasion has just created terrorism. Most of the Muslim world rooted for Saddam Hussein. Even Malaysia and the Prime Minister then, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, did. Saddam T-shirts were being sold on the streets of Kuala Lumpur and Malay youths were wearing them.
Many — almost every Malay whom I personally knew, Mahathir and I included — were very disappointed when Iraq lost the war. If you can remember, that was the first war that got real-time coverage, blow-by-blow coverage, courtesy of CNN.
We were all so pissed with Saddam. He promised us victory over America but instead got his arse kicked all the way back to Baghdad. The great victory of the Islamic Caliphate that many Malaysian Malays-Muslims had expected and had hoped for did not happen.
That was 26 years ago in 1990. Then, in 2001, we had the New York Twin Towers attack (a.k.a. 911) and many Muslims celebrated and danced on the streets with glee, even in the US itself. Then the US retaliated with the launch of the War on Terror (WoT) a.k.a. the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT).
Many people (even Mahathir and non-Muslims as well) believe that 911 was staged or engineered to give an excuse for the US and the West to attack Iraq. And the reason they wanted to attack Iraq is to stop Iraq from selling oil to China (because if China got this oil they would become an economic superpower, and probably a military power as well, which will be detrimental to the future of the US).
Back in the 1990s I was in the late MGG Pillai’s chat group, Sang Kancil, which was infested with opposition supporters, in particular DAP people. And the Islam bashing in that group was crazy. You should have seen what they said about the Malays, Muslims, Islam, Umno and PAS.
It got so bad that I decided to leave the group. I could no longer stand the arrogance and kurang ajar of the Chinese in Sang Kancil who only had venom in their postings.
I warned these people that what they were doing and saying are going to have repercussions. There is a limit to how much Malay-Islam bashing the Malays-Muslims can take. Against the backdrop of the Gulf War, 911, the War on Terror, etc., you are creating an environment where the Malays-Muslims will begin to adopt a siege mentality.
Instead of treating the Malays, Muslims and PAS as the enemy, the Chinese should explore ways in how the gap can be bridged. Find out what the Malays-Muslims want and instead of telling them “fook off!” you sit down with them and see how a compromise can be reached where we meet them halfway.
There is terrorism in Thailand and the Philippines as well, which is being perpetuated by the Muslims. But there are reasons why this is happening. Basically the Muslims feel they have been colonised by the non-Muslims and they want autonomy so that they can have a measure of self-rule and rule themselves according to the Syariah.
Of course, Thailand and the Philippines can always tell the Muslims to go to hell. But then expect them to take up arms to fight for independence. Was this not also what the Americans did more than 200 years ago? But we do not call them terrorists; we call them patriots.
Over the last 26 years since 1990 this has been building up. And as much as I tried to tell the Chinese DAP members in Sang Kancil that the Islam- and PAS-bashing is going to come back and bite them in the rear some years from now, they responded with even nastier and very personal attacks against me. So I gave up and left what I considered a group infested with very nasty and foul-mouthed Chinese DAP supporters.
26 years is two generations. 26 years ago I did not have any grandchildren. Now I have six. Those teenagers who cheered Saddam Hussein in 1990 are now in their late 40s or early 50s. Those teenagers who danced and clapped when 911 happened are now in their 30s.
Do you think you are going to be able to change things overnight? Do you think that after 26 years of build up you can curb or clamp down on what you call Muslim extremists? First of all, you do not even know what the problem is. If you do not know the problem then how are going to find the solution?
Do you know that Israel says every Jew is soldier? Well, it is the same for Muslims. Muslims believe that every Muslim is a soldier. And when Islam is under attack it is the duty of every Muslim to fight back.
Yes, true, as what many scholars say, Muslims must not be the aggressor. Muslims must not attack. Muslims only have a legitimate right to defend themselves when under attack.
And that is just it. Muslims consider themselves under attack. When the west colonised Muslim countries, Muslims came under attack (just look at what the French did in Algeria as one example of many, and what they did to the Ottoman Empire as yet another example).
When the West took away Palestinian land and created Israel, Muslims considered themselves under attack. And until today the Palestinians are still suffering — and even Mahathir supports the Palestinians against the US supported Israel.
When the US launched the Gulf War 26 years ago in 1990, Muslims considered themselves under attack, and again when the War on Terror was launched 15 years ago in 2001. Then there were so many other incidences like the French cartoons insulting Prophet Muhammad, etc.
So you see, many of you see this as deviant Islamic teachings, Muslims wrongly interpreting the Qur’an, extremist Muslims, terrorism, etc. The truth is many Muslims are of the opinion that Islam and the Muslims are under attack and that there is an attempt to re-colonise the Muslims through economic domination and by denying Muslims the right to practice their faith the way they want to.
Take the Syariah issue as one example. The non-Muslims are denying Muslims their right to practice the Syariah. The non-Muslim DAP is blocking PAS from tabling a private member’s bill in Parliament that seeks to amend the amendments to the Syariah.
Why is DAP doing this? Well, because the Syariah is cruel, barbaric, outdated and is no longer suitable for this modern world and for a multi-cultural society like Malaysia. Malaysia is, after all, a Secular State, although that is not mentioned in the Constitution. So an Islamic system has no place in Malaysia.
What next is DAP going to say? Are they going to tell Muslims that Israel ‘belongs’ to the Jews because this was what God promised the Jews in the Old Testament? So the Palestinians should just leave their homeland and go live in refugee camps?
DAP has closed the door to any dialogue with PAS. DAP told PAS you can implement Islamic laws over my dead body. DAP said Islamic laws are stupid, outdated, cruel, barbaric and do not belong in Malaysia. DAP said Malaysia does not belong to just the Muslims, hence DAP has a right to tell Muslims how Islam should be practiced in Malaysia. DAP told PAS if they want Islam then they can fook off from Pakatan Rakyat.
In short, whether rightly or wrongly, DAP is seen to have declared war on Islam. And while Islam forbids Muslims from aggression, Islam does allow Muslims to defend themselves when under attack. And when Soros attacked the Ringgit did not Mahathir consider that as Malaysia coming under attack from the Jews?
A response to PM Najib’s Aidilfitri message
The unity in diversity and the uniqueness of Malaysia is measured by how tolerant and acceptable we are to each other.
TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today
Dear PM Najib Razak, while reading your Aidilfitri message to the nation, I wish you were more assertive and specific in your dispensations on national unity.
You were right in condemning the brutal terror attacks in other countries lately. You were right in emphasising the need to contain the proliferation of ideologies, teaching and practices that are against the true teachings of Islam.
But Islamophobia and misunderstanding of the true teachings of Islam are no longer confined to the West as pointed out.
Within our own country, we have increasingly witnessed remarks made by extremists bent at causing ill will and disharmony among the people. It is the job of the Prime Minister to specifically and forcefully identify and condemn the sources from which such extremist views originated.
Recognising the plural nature of Malaysian society, your condemnation of extremist views and troublemakers must be even-handed and without fear and favour.
If there are non-Muslim extremists, by all means condemn and charge them. Similarly, if there are Muslim instigators, stern actions must be taken against them.
We mustn’t crouch our inaction by claiming those extreme remarks were “misunderstanding” or “misinterpretation” just to suit our own convenience or political agenda.
Right now, most countries are focusing on hard-core terrorists and militants. This is expected since the devastating impact from them is very imminent and real. However, between militants and influential leaders making irresponsible and incendiary remarks, I think the latter is more dangerous.
These wolves in sheep’s clothing living in our midst have positions and influence to poison the minds of the young and the innocent. These are the real dangers to our society, especially if we were to continue tolerating them with their half-baked incendiary remarks.
The unity in diversity and the uniqueness of Malaysia is not measured by how many major different festivals we are able to celebrate. It is how tolerant and acceptable we are to each other.
It is how we abstain ourselves from engaging in a “holier than thou” attitude and impose our religion and culture as superior to others.
To end this piece, I wish to quote this line you said as reported, “Nevertheless, we are saddened when certain irresponsible quarters resort to incitement, in the name of politics or whatever, that can undermine the unity and harmony that have existed for so long.”
I think it is insufficient to provide your advice/warning in general forms. As the Prime Minister, you have the power and responsibility to name the irresponsible quarters regardless of who they are. Name them and put them in their box and I am sure this is one effective way to fight Islamic State ideologies and influence.