America-Raya: Blissful ignorance or politics of hate?

Nga Raya


I am not sure this is a smart thing to do at all.

Or perhaps it is very smart – but devious.

DAP’s Nga Kor Ming refuses to apologise for his now deleted “American Raya” post.

He even confirms his actual intention was to use James Dobson’s message. He did not say it is about the US Independence day as some may have initially assumed.

American flag aside, James Dobson is a famous evangelical Christian leader and a big Donald Trump supporter. Trump has recently been making divisive comments against Muslims as part of his presidential campaign.

I had also noticed that Nga shared this post from his “fan-page” twice on his personal page on Hari Raya 1st day morning – 4 hours apart.

A savvy and experienced politician supposedly representing all Malaysians would never be this dumb and not know what kind of reaction and controversy you would receive with a post like this on a big religious festival day – both the content and the timing.

I hope that this was not intentionally to incite Christians vs Islam sentiments so that DAP can hold on to their Christian votes.

You can’t say those who got offended are too sensitive or too stupid to understand! Why set out to offend when you know it WILL offend?

Perhaps after the massive defeats in the recently concluded Sarawak elections and twin by-elections, the DAP have found out that the 1MDB/RM2.6b/GST issues have been proven ineffective and they have decided to fall back on the time-tested politics of hate, race-religion incitement and divisiveness?

Perhaps DAP knows that Muslim-Malay votes for GE14 is a gone case now and just wants to protect their current seats and Penang?

Regardless, I believe Muslims will not be fooled into blaming all Christians or Chinese because of the stupidity or perhaps deviousness of this particular YB.

At the same time, I hope Christians do not get defensive at the backlash that Nga received and can see thru their game.

Regardless of whether you are Muslim-Melayu or Christian-Chinese, if you value peace and race-religious harmony then Nga’s post MUST be condemned for its hate incitement and possible political agenda.

NO other DAP leaders have come out to condemn or even defend Nga. In fact, they have not made any comments on this issue at all.

If this is indeed their true intention, then DAP must be punished – if not by the law then punish them at the ballot box.

And you wonder why there is so much friction and mistrust between race and religion in Malaysia.

Regardless of whether this post was an act of sheer ignorance born out of great stupidity or that it is a deliberate attempt at inciting hate and conflict, all Malaysians should know better than to get all worked up over this.

Nga Raya

Netizens slam Taiping MP’s Hari Raya message 

(The Sun Daily) – Social media users are up in arms over a picture posted by the member of Parliament for Taiping, Nga Kor Ming as his Hari Raya Aidilfitri message.

Netizens are calling the picture stupid and lazy as it depicts a light house at dusk with the US flag flowing in the backdrop, along with a caption saying “In God We Trust” and “Lord, Guide Our Nation Back to You”.

Facebook user Anas Abd Jalil questioned the use of a seemingly conservative Christian picture to wish Muslims Hari Raya.

“Using a US conservative red neck poster wishing Muslims Selamat Hari Raya? I don’t know what his intention is, or maybe he is just dumb and stupid,” Anas commented on the picture.

Another user, Mohd Shukri Abdullah, was perplexed to see that the US flag was seemingly mistaken for the Malaysian flag.

“You can’t even even speak decent Malay, you can’t even differentiate between the US flag and the Malaysian flag,” Mohd Shukri said.

He added that God does not answer to idiots even if he asked God to save the country.

Kelly Fong compared Nga to US presidential election front-runner for the Republicans Donald Trump, who is known for his controversial views.

“There is no difference between Nga Kor Ming and Donald Trump. Both are idiots who provokes to gain support,” Fong said.

She also said it seems that politicians from both divides are no longer interested in serving the people but are instead trying to outdo each other with stupidity.

Ganesh Subramaniam suggests that Nga should get out of the country and migrate to the US instead, saying: “This is what happens when idiots are voted in.”

The picture was posted on Nga’s Facebook page on 5 July and has been shared 221 times and garnered 245 reactions at the time of writing.

When contacted, Nga stood fast on his post and clarified that it was not for Hari Raya, and it’s message was not intended to offend.

“There is nothing wrong to trust God. People with wisdom will understand the message especially when it is taken from the internationally acclaimed Dr James’s (Dobson) official page, who always preached of family values,” he said in an immediate response.

James Dobson is a prominent evangelical Christian leader in the US known for his conservative views focused on the family.

Nga, who is DAP Perak chairman, then pointed out that a video link posted along with the picture is the actual Hari Raya message and not the picture as many have assumed.

The video contains a montage of DAP’s interactions with the public in various events and concluded with Nga wishing all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya.

