Christians are in blissful ignorance


It is ridiculous for the Christians to think that they can kill my argument by quoting verses from the Bible. These Christians must be morons. Before they can even begin to convince me that I am wrong they first need to convince me that the Bible did indeed come from God.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The comments posted in my articles ‘Ban the Qur’an, not Zakir Naik’ and ‘How can Islam be good if Muslims are bad?’ by both Muslims and Christians show a very interesting trend.

First is that both Muslims and Christians are very intolerant about what they regard as a criticism, adverse comment, insult, or negative view of their religion. They will actually go berserk to counter you.

Secondly, both Muslims and Christians will abuse you verbally and become downright nasty in response to what you say about their religion if they do not like what you say. Some of the comments that were not posted were actually very nasty. These Muslims and Christians called me all sorts of foul names.

Thirdly, these Muslims and Christians live in denial and hold on to the unproven myth of their religion rather than the proven historical facts. You can see their faith is blind faith that lacks logic and common sense and devoid of proven historical facts. They will believe in the tooth fairy if that happens to be mentioned in their ‘holy book’.

Fourthly, when they debate you in an attempt to prove you wrong, they will quote verses from their so-called ‘holy books’ to prove you wrong. Once they quote that verse from their ‘holy book’ the matters ends. They are right and you have just been ‘proven’ wrong.

Finally, the hard-core religionists do not really read what you say. They form an opinion even before they start reading and will whack you while totally missing the point or the essence of the article. For example they will take what you write literally even if you are being sarcastic and meant the opposite of what you wrote.

The two titles I used, ‘Ban the Qur’an, not Zakir Naik’ and ‘How can Islam be good if Muslims are bad?’ was a good test. Many took them literally and whacked me. And once they have made up their mind based on the title of the article, which they do not comprehend, they hardly read further and will start whacking based on what they think I may have written rather than what I actually did write.

In other words, they just look at the wrapping paper and straight away decide what is in the box. Then they start debating what they imagine is in the box instead of looking in the box first before talking.

And those are Malaysians for you. I have even come across comments by readers who say, “I no longer read your articles since you became a turncoat”, and then they go on and on disagreeing with my article, which they have not read.

Earlier this year I took a course in Cambridge called ‘How did Christianity begin?’. Next year I am going to take another Cambridge course called ‘The quest for the historical Jesus’.

The synopsis to this second course is: “Can scholars say anything for certain about the historical figure of Jesus? Is it possible to separate history from myth? Jesus from Christ? What do recent archaeological discoveries contribute to our understanding?

Both these courses go well together and give me a better understanding of the historical Jesus as opposed to the mythical Jesus, the one that most Christians believe in. The first course I took gave me an insight into how Christianity began and whether the Christianity of Paul was actually what Jesus had intended. It also reveals the deep schism in early Christianity between Paul and the Jesus Movement followers such as James and Peter.

When you study Christianity by just reading the Bible you get an entirely different view of Christianity. It is actually a blinkered or myopic view. And this applies to the study of all religions, Islam included. To get a better understanding of religion you need to broaden your research base and go beyond just holy books.

And this is what I have been doing for more then ten years now. And this is why I took various courses in Oxford and Cambridge that includes Philosophy of Religion. The Philosophy of Religion course helps to rationalise religion and shows how irrational religion actually is.

So to those Muslims and Christians, especially Christians, who use their ‘holy books’ to disagree with my views, stop wasting your breath. I mean can you imagine a Christian quoting from the Bible to prove me wrong? What if I were to quote verses from the Qur’an to prove that the Bible is wrong? Would that Christian abandon the Bible and convert to Islam?

It is ridiculous for the Christians to think that they can kill my argument by quoting verses from the Bible. These Christians must be morons. Before they can even begin to convince me that I am wrong they first need to convince me that the Bible did indeed come from God.

And in the first round of this 15 round bout they already lose. To start off with I do not believe that the bible came from God. I believe that the Bible was written by many people and changed over the ages. In short, the Bible that carries the name John was not written by John and was not written by just one person, whether named John or otherwise. And the same goes for the many other Bibles as well.

At least the Qur’an was compiled during the life of Muhammad, unlike the Bible that was crafted many years after Jesus. And there is only one Qur’an while there are many Bibles, which at times contradict each other. And the Muslims believe that the Qur’an was revealed by God while the Bibles, at best, are merely the status of Hadith in Islam and not really the word of God. In fact, Paul never even met Jesus and yet half the New Testament came from Paul (yes, I know, Jesus spoke to Paul from heaven).

Even if you do not believe in Islam at least the Qur’an has one leg to stand on. The Bible has absolutely no legs to stand on whatsoever. And you are trying to quote the Bible to prove me wrong? You must be a raving lunatic.

First prove the authenticity of the Bible. Then come and discuss what it says. Until then don’t bother talking about a book as authentic as the book about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

And to that Christian who called me an imbecile, imbeciles are people like you who go to church on Sunday and read from a book that you believe came from God.

