DAP can’t seem to take its own medicine


DAP has been whacking Barisan Nasional, Umno, the Prime Minister, the government, etc., for this, that or the other and then now it all comes back to bite them on their sorry behind. The problem, though, is that DAP cannot take its own medicine and when this is pointed out they threaten to sue while whacking others for not respecting freedom of speech and freedom of the media.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Malay Mail) – Penang leaders are discussing the possibility of holding snap elections to gauge public sentiment after Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was charged with corruption, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Although the DAP and the state executive council unanimously voted for Lim to remain in office pending the outcome of his case, Penang DAP and its Pakatan Harapan allies believe that a state-wide election would determine support both for the pact and Lim’s leadership.

“We are discussing it as an option because by having state elections, we can let the people decide if they still want the Pakatan Harapan state government in light of these false allegations against the chief minister,” a DAP leader told Malay Mail Online on condition of anonymity.

He said a state election would also show if Penang voters were for or against the charges against Lim, which Pakatan Harapan leaders have alleged were part of a Barisan Nasional (BN) ploy to sully the image of the state administration. (READ MORE HERE)


DAP is contemplating holding separate state elections ahead of the general election scheduled for 2018 (like in Sarawak) as a sort of Referendum to test whether DAP still has high support (or whether its support has actually increased) in the aftermath of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s arrest. DAP claims that 95% of the Chinese voted for them and for the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan (what used to be called Pakatan Rakyat).

If DAP can maintain its votes and seats (or even increase them) then that means the arrest of Guan Eng not only did not damage DAP but has actually helped DAP increase its Chinese support. As what DAP said, “We are discussing it as an option because by having state elections, we can let the people decide if they still want the Pakatan Harapan state government in light of these false allegations against the chief minister.”

The key issue here is: “…in light of these false allegations against the chief minister.” Yes, DAP is already pounding into the heads of their Chinese supporters that the allegations against Guan Eng are fabricated and that he did not commit any crime or the crime of buying a house far below market price from someone who had a conflict of interest.

So this is what they are going to campaign over and over again: Lim Guan Eng did no wrong, all the allegations are false, the charges have been fabricated, and Guan Eng is a victim of a conspiracy and of political persecution.

And trust me on this one: many Malaysians, in particular the Chinese DAP supporters, will swallow this nonsense hook, line and sinker. And DAP is confident that if they dissolve the Penang State Assembly and new state elections are held then Pakatan Harapan is going to sweep 95% of the votes and 100% of the seats. The Umno-led Barisan Nasional is going to be killed and buried once and for all, as will Umno and PAS.

Ivanpal Singh Grewal, however, in his article DAP’s confidence crisis, which was published in The Star, has the reverse view. And this is what he said:

DAP leaders especially Tony Pua suggested the Prime Minister should take leave over 1MDB even though not a single charge has been filed anywhere against anyone in 1MDB. Pua’s churlish suggestion was a calculated attempt to belittle the Prime Minister but now it has come back to haunt DAP.

So DAP’s crisis of confidence is clear and evident, again it is one set of rules for their leaders and one set for everyone else. How are Malaysians to trust a party that does not practice what they preach? (READ MORE HERE)

Basically, what Ivanpal is saying is that DAP is hypocritical and does the opposite of what they tell others to do. They tell Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to resign or take leave (even though he is not facing any charges) while they say Lim Guan Eng does not need to do the same (even though he has been arrested and charged).

Then they whack Najib for postponing Umno’s party elections until after the general election in 2018 while they want to do the same with DAP’s party elections — postpone it until after the 2018 general election or at least till March 2018 (SEE NEWS ITEM BELOW).

Why not they proceed with DAP’s party elections in less than three months from now and see whether Guan Eng still has the support of his party? Or are they worried that the results might show that Guan Eng and his merry men have seen a drop in support? And is this why they want to postpone the party elections until 2018?

DAP has been whacking Barisan Nasional, Umno, the Prime Minister, the government, etc., for this, that or the other and then now it all comes back to bite them on their sorry behind. The problem, though, is that DAP cannot take its own medicine and when this is pointed out they threaten to sue while whacking others for not respecting freedom of speech and freedom of the media.


DAP to decide postponing party polls due Sept 29, says Loke

(The Star) – DAP can postpone its party elections due Sept 29 in view of the corruption charges faced by party secretary general Lim Guan Eng, says national organising secretary Anthony Loke.

Loke said any decision to postpone the polls would be made by the central executive committee (CEC) at its next meeting.

“We need to discuss this issue at the next CEC meeting because the current term (of CEC) ends on Sept 29 this year,” Loke told a press conference.

He said the CEC would also decide whether to extend its tenure by another 18 months under the party constitution.

Loke said Lim, also Penang Chief Minister, could still contest and continue serving the party in other capacities as he has completed his three terms as secretary general.

Lim has been charged with two counts of corruption over the purchase of a bungalow on Pinhorn Road.

