Pakatan Harapan tok-kok asking Najib to sue


Mahathir has been accused of setting aside a budget of RM2 billion in the campaign to oust Najib and that RM600 million of this is being used in the media war and to bribe Mat Salleh journalists and bloggers in the UK, US, Australia and so on. If that is not true why did he not sue?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Sarawak Report, Aliran, and a number of other sites and blogs allied to Pakatan Harapan have come out to cabar (challenge) Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to sue Clare Rewcastle Brown about all the so-called ‘exposes’ and ‘revelations’ regarding 1MDB that they have published.

The argument is simple. If Najib is innocent then sue Clare. And if Najib does not sue then this means he is guilty as alleged by Sarawak Report.

Actually, according to UK’s Defamation Act 2013, Najib cannot sue Clare in the UK. This is because he does not have any connection to the UK. This has been explained many times before, but somehow these people are either deaf or are pretending they do not know this.

So we have these opposition people repeating again and again: why does Najib not sue Clare if he is innocent and if Sarawak Report is lying? Are these opposition people so dumb that they cannot understand that Najib cannot use the UK courts to sue Clare? How many times need we repeat that? Even 100 times and they still do not seem to understand it.

Okay, using that same argument (why does Najib not sue Clare if he is innocent and if Sarawak Report is lying?) why does Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir, Shafie Apdal, and so many more from the Anti-Najib Campaign (ANC) also not sue?

I mean they cabar Najib and ask him to sue and say that if he does not sue then that means he is guilty of all the allegations made against him. However, all those others do not sue as well.

Mahathir has been accused of setting aside a budget of RM2 billion in the campaign to oust Najib and that RM600 million of this is being used in the media war and to bribe Mat Salleh journalists and bloggers in the UK, US, Australia and so on. If that is not true why did he not sue?

Mahathir has been accused of stealing RM100-200 billion of Umno’s money, which he parked under his proxies, cronies and family members (and which he refuses to return to Umno). If that is not true why did he not sue?

Mahathir has been accused of directing Petronas to bail out his son’s shipping company to the tune of RM2 billion when the company was worth less than half that value. If that is not true why did he not sue?

Mahathir has been accused of manipulating MAS to cover the RM30 billion Forex losses that Bank Negara suffered by playing the money market (and which literally bankrupted the airline company). If that is not true why did he not sue?

Mahathir has been accused of covering up the crimes committed by Ling Liong Sik and Eric Chia involving billions of taxpayers’ money. There is even an allegation that not only did Mahathir cover up the crimes but that they acted at the behest of the old man. If that is not true why did he not sue?

The list of allegations against Mahathir runs into pages but Mahathir did not file a single suit against all those people who alleged he had committed these crimes.

Muhyiddin has been accused of massive corruption when he was the Menteri Besar of Johor and more recently he has been accused of having an affair with Nika Gee, someone else’s wife. Muhyiddin merely denied it, with a very feeble denial on top of that, but he did not sue the person making that allegation, Nika Gee’s husband.

Mukhriz has been accused of pressuring his father to make him the Deputy Prime Minister by removing Najib and replacing him with a proxy Prime Minister so that by 2020 or so he can take over as Prime Minister. If that is not true why did he not sue?

Mahathir and all those in the ANC have been accused of fabricating stories regarding 1MDB with the purpose of trying to oust Najib so that he can be replaced with a proxy Prime Minister and with Mukhriz as his Deputy Prime Minister — who will later take over as Prime Minister. If that is not true why did they not sue?

So you see, there is only one allegation against Najib, and this is regarding 1MDB. Najib has denied those allegations but they have not come forward with any evidence to prove that Najib lied. Since they are making the allegation then they need to prove it. Instead they are asking Najib to prove his innocence, which is not his job.

They fabricate documents and allege that the documents are real and not fakes. But thus far they have not been able to prove the authenticity of those documents. Instead, they want Najib to prove that the documents are false, which is not Najib’s job since the one who alleges must show proof.

For that one allegation against Najib regarding 1MBD there are dozens of allegations against all those who oppose Najib. But none of them have come forward to sue to prove their innocence. And yet they insist that Najib sue to prove his innocence.

There must be something wrong with these people. And they also cannot see that it is just a single issue recycled over and over again but merely given a different heading and a different angle.

Actually, the latest round of attacks are merely an attempt to sidetrack while they figure out what to do about the disaster they suffered in Sarawak and in the two by-elections, plus Guan Eng’s recent arrest and the impending corruption trial. And this latest sidetrack is: if Najib is innocent why doesn’t he sue? — When they know he cannot use the UK courts to sue.

