Tun Mahathir’s Latest Role; ‘Figure Head’ For His Own Party!


The Malaysian Observer

Having got his appetite as an icon for the running behind DAP and Amanah; now Tun wants to seemingly forgo the training wheels and ride alone without assistance.

Making his move was probably the only thing he could do before the Opposition that he was supposed to help showed him the door.   And the reason they would show Tun Mahathir the door is that his tenure as an Opposition icon was a complete failure.   No effort made on his part could bring about the turn of the tide which is swinging in the direction of Barisan Nasional.

His standing shoulder to shoulder in a symbolic unity with Lim Kit Siang was no more than a public relations event which both men hoped would give the rakyat goose bumps and send votes in the direction they (Lim Kit Siang, Tun Mahathir) wanted. It didn’t happen.

Tun Mahathir was like an overdone steak that had no sizzle and no taste.  He is a man living in a Tun Mahathir shell, but cannot create any interest among the greater population.   Even his Save Malaysia campaign is becoming a national joke as many people see it as not Save Malaysia, but Save Mukhriz!

It is fortunate for Mukhriz that he has put away his millions as it is apparent how the Save Mukhriz campaign has turned out.  And any hopes that Tun Mahathir had to call in favors to get Mukhriz back in Umno’s go have pretty much dissipated when Mukhriz was put out of the party.

There is even speculation that Tun Mahathir may even lose the title of ‘Tun’ if charges are brought against him.  Of course that is or was part of his brand ‘Tun Mahathir’, at one time the title along with knack of being a mover and a shaker placed him in high demand as a speaker or in having his endorsement.  Now the only thing which remains is the title, everything else is a distant memory.  And had it not been for his being a Prime Minister for more than 20 years, today Tun Mahathir would only be a sad foot note in Malaysia’s history.  As was mentioned elsewhere; Mahathir is like Muhammad Ali when he kept boxing beyond his time.

Tun Mahathir’s legacy has eroded to the point of no repair.   His only recourse at this stage is to do as he is trying to do now; start his own party.  The reality is he had no other choice as the other Opposition parties know that he is spent force who can make no significant contribution other than trying to tarnish the image of Prime Minister Najib Razak.


