SSS-LGE: Lim Guan Eng’ Explains Why He Is Not Guilty

Lim Guan Eng


On the day that DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister was charged with two criminal counts of abuse of power and corruption, he held a press conference at the Penang Town Hall situated about 500 meters from the court house.

The press conference was attended by about 1000 people and he went on stage to give a stirring speech and gave the reasons why he is not guilty and why he considers this as a selective persecution.

Lim Guan Eng and Pakatan Harapan have now gone on a nationwide tour which they dubbed Support-Sympathy-Solidarity or SSS-LGE  and will deliver the same reasons to audiences all over Malaysia.


This ceramah is also a fund-raising dinner. Table pricing is as follows:

– Platinum sponsorship: RM 3,000/table
– Gold sponsorship: RM 1,500/table
– Silver table: RM 750/table or RM 75/pax

Halal or vegetarian food is available upon request.

This is on top of the RM1.8 million or so that DAP had raised from their supporters for the refundable bail money earlier.
The reasons given by Lim Guan Eng broadly fall into 4 categories. They are:


