Why we all should defend the DAP HQ on this Bastille Day!


You don’t take pride in being able to harm the defenceless. If the Umno lads can’t stomach belligerent ethnic Chinese, they should head to the east coast, jump on a boat and charge on to the Spratly Islands where the People’s Liberation Army has set up base to claim our territorial waters as theirs.

Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online

“You pray to idols. Don’t you feel silly?”

“You are wearing the same shirt you wore yesterday. The stain is still there.”

“This is not your land, go back!”

Yes, there is the odd temple visit. Loads of statues, from shrine to shrine. Thanks, for the observation.

I am indeed, I only have two shirts for the school year. Good spot, old chump, please don’t mind the pun.

Actually it is. And going back to Kampung Pandan is not going to change my perspective on acreage or natural law.

In Malaysia, bigoted insults are a way of life. As a minority, it accompanies you for life. Ethnic minority. Economic minority. Religious minority.

What I learnt from my school years is the abusive behaviour never stops; however if you stop because of the vitriol, then they win.

It’s difficult nevertheless because they are targeted at what you are, not what you did.

I can accept the time I had to polish a trophy under the hot sun because I could not be arsed to stand still during lines. That’s my choice. Which is fine. The prefects sought me because of my behaviour and not over my identity.

But I did not choose to be Tamil, poor and having a name better suited to managing a Kwik-E-Mart — that’s a minority making a minority joke.  (But if I could, I’d still be Tamil, working class and happy to be considered for management at a convenience store.)

So taking the piss about it is about undermining a person, removing their self-worth by ridiculing them and reducing them to convenient labels.

I’m not saying I was Bambi’s mother; I dished out far worst insults, but they were often about the person not what they represented.

I had a vicious mouth and I am fairly certain many begrudge me cutting them down to size over the years, but it would be about them saying something stupid or misunderstanding simple concepts despite emerging from privileged backgrounds.

Now over to another set of bigots.

Nestled in Pudu

Which brings us to the core issue of this column, defending the DAP headquarters in Pudu after it was threatened to be stormed by Umno lads two days ago.

What a bunch of cowards. #Whereiskhairy #Inagymnearby

Every Umno cadre is aware that if any Chinese, whom the majority of those at the HQ would have been, were to respond aggressively to any taunts, then it would be licence for Umno to up the levels of violence to apocalyptic heights.

The roles are predetermined, Umno dudes can get angry as they want to, and non-Umno dudes have to wait it out patiently, praying that the police will do enough to protect them.

This is Malaysia’s version of lynching. This is not politics, this is about supremacy. This is about a trend of behaviours that, without question, are out of place in a modern democracy.

Read more here

