Pakatan has officially become Pakatun

helen ang

Helen Ang

It’s legit. Tun is now officially leader of the opposition pact.

The nonagenarian is forming a new party, and his party will team up with DAP to fight Umno in the next general election.

How apt that the Mahathir dynasty is mirroring the Lim dynasty in their political setup. And that the two Father & Son parties will become allies.

Yup, to serve his purpose, the ex-premier is even prepared to kiss and make up with his old sworn enemy whom he once despatched to Kamunting under Ops Lalang.

BELOW: Front page of the New Straits Times on 28 Oct 1987

NST Ops Lalang 28 Oct 1987

Putting aside scruples

Barisan Pembangkang Tun is a motley crew of ill-assorted political parties. The ketum of one party is in prison for sodomy, and it looks like the Dear Leader of another party too is headed for jail in the foreseeable near future.

What is it that drives our former PM – in his twilight years – to consort with lifelong nemeses? The desire to get Najib must be so great as to override everything that Tun ever stood for in the past.

Yesterday’s development is a coming together of mismatched revenge seekers out to wreak vengeance. It is a fellowship bound by hate. (Like the RBA and Cina ultra band of brothers with the Life of Annie Melayu blogger.)

Cina DAP used to hate Tun with passion but they’re presently willing to overlook any misgivings because their hatred for Umno is even more intense.

It is somewhat hilarious that the Chinese are voting to resurrect Mahathirism.

Dr Mahathir Cheshire Cat

The ambition to bury Umno for good goes to the extent of democratically voting to bring back Mahathirism — for this is really what the collaboration amounts to.

In the off chance that the opposition wins GE14, the Pakatan coalition will be necessarily one led that is by Tun. It requires nothing less than Melayu-screw-Melayu for the opposition to be able to prevail over the ruling party.

anime sailor moon snigger

Functions of Melayu DAP

In this regard, the Melayu DAP will be a bridge between the Protuns and the Dapsters.

This small group of Malays suddenly find they have acquired a big and important role. So this is the time for Melayu DAP to cash in on their niche, i.e. Melayu screw Melayu.

It has come to this because Malay voters can no longer be taken in by DAP politicians wearing tudung or tweeting #sahur. The effectiveness of the RBA to pull wool over the eyes among Malay netizens has also reached saturation point.

Therefore to move forward, DAP will have to deploy genuine Melayus to do the dirty job.

boneka DAP

Malays are needed by DAP, for example, to contest the Selangor DUN so that the state’s next menteri besar can come from the ranks of the evangelical party. With the availability of their own Melayu YBs post-GE14, DAP will no longer have to cede the MB position to a PKR or PAN Adun.

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