Malaysian Official 1, 1MDB and US$1 bil

Hafidz Baharom

Hafidz Baharom, The Heat

The authorities in the United States have finally taken action against three Malaysians now accused of spending government cash. Few days back, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced plans to seize US$1 billion and more in the form of assets and profits — two years after initial news of their Federal Bureau of Investigation handling the complaints.

Also announced yesterday is that the government of Singapore is seizing some S$240 million in assets under the same cause.

A short recap, the US is saying that Malaysians were robbed and the money was in fact spent in Hollywood for a movie, Las Vegas for gambling and was done by three individuals — the infamous Jho Low, the Prime Minister’s stepson Riza Aziz and their comrade.

On top of this, the excessive and lavish lifestyle was also highlighted, including the seizure of a Monet and a Van Gogh, as well as a Bombadier private jet.

Also included in the press conference was that a Malaysian official benefited from this act, dubbed by the DOJ as “Malaysian Official One”, let us just brand him or her as MOO since we are used to linking cattle to corruption.

Will Malaysians see this US$1 billion returned? Of course, as friend pointed out, the US pulled a similar case against former Taiwan president Chen Shui Bian, but it was returned in a period of years.

More to the fact, this is actually only US$1 billion out of US$42 billion that was allegedly embezzled by three people thus far.

The delayed actions of the US had allowed the money to be transferred, perhaps laundered, on an international level. As such, it would require an entire global seizure of assets to stop whoever is benefiting from the deal, even if it includes MOO.

For one, Jho Low still has his Jynwell Capital based in Hong Kong, which is still operating. He still holds his post in music giant EMI. Thus, the losses he experienced in the US are minuscule. Unless someone gets Hong Kong to pull off a similar stunt, which it has — if you read the history of the BMF scandal before.

Secondly, Riza can still live comfortably due to his filial ties. In fact, since no criminal charges were filed on any three of them, they escape unscathed.

It is basically taking all the toys away from a spoiled rotten child, and then leaving them with enough cash to continue going to Hamley’s.

Even worse, we still have to deal with MOO. Malaysian authorities have not bothered to actually ask who this swindling heifer is, though they might in days to come. But until they do, we Malaysians basically have a proven public official who was part of squandering a billion dollars from a government-linked company for his or her own pocket.

So who is MOO?

This is a question the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) must seek an answer to. As PAS stalwart Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man asks — how could America find all this evidence of corruption while the Malaysian authorities were stumped?

I would personally say it is the same reason how Malaysians can still be kidnapped off the coast of Sabah whilst our Deputy Prime Minister offers to advise other countries about security

Do we have kleptocrat in our government who is shameless in spending tax ringgits for his own benefit? It is said now that the Prime Minister’s own stepson was involved, and that Martin Scorsese and even Leonardo Dicaprio, Paris Hilton and Alicia Keys all benefited from Malaysian taxpayer dollars through Jho Low and Riza.

So, how far are Malaysians willing to take a stance against those who benefited from money stolen from our coffers?

And how far are you willing to push the message through to every single Malaysian in the rural areas, to ensure that the US$1 billion, once returned, won’t land in the hands of MOO?

That is the fight now.

