Lynching a Government

Loretta E. Lynch

Blog Takes

One of the more intelligent bloggers around here on planet earth Gopal Raj Kumar has this piece that Malaysians ought to read to understand why the USA has adopted to take action in the 1MDB saga.


Loretta Lynch, a most unfortunate name for an African American in the position of Attorney General of the United States. Lynch will live in infamy alongside other notorious African Americans like Colin Powell and Condolessa Rice who engaged in murderous campaigns of lies and brutality against defenceless people and for all the wrong reasons in continuing with an oppression they themselves are victims of:

Lynch will go down for her egregious, torrid vilification and defamation of the government of Malaysia and its Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

To best describe this situation a phrase from the English political satire, Black Adder would do:”Baldric, it is the way of the world, the oppressed always kick down”.

As an African American from the lynch Mob state of North Carolina, which witnessed some of the most brutal anti black violence over 2 centuries, one would have expected that Loretta Lynch would tread a little more carefully and sensitively when attacking a smaller sovereign state, resisting her bullying big government’s aggressive attempts to spread its hegemony throughout south east Asia.

It is this kind of betrayal of friends, by an ultra right wing unelected coterie of Neo Conservatives in Washington that will eventually catapult democratic developing countries like Malaysia into the orbit of a more friendly, responsible, reliable and powerful China .

What Loretta Lynch said at the press conference she conducted in her 20 July 2016 at the Oval office is described by her Department of Justice (DOJ) in the following terms:


