Lim Guan Eng

KS Lee

FAIR IS FOUL AND FOUL IS FAIR….Macbeth, Shakespeare

Credit to the Bard! His astute observation of politics and greed for high office in Scotland of yore seems to be relevant to present day Penang. The political cauldron is certainly smouldering since the arrest of Penang Chief Minister’s arrest and has thrown up the unexpected; certainly not an eye of newt or a poisonous Shakespeare states.

But a deadly stew is nevertheless brewing. And has thrown up a few somersaulting political frogs and loose tongues for starters.

Since Lim Guan Eng’s (LGE) arrest there have been calls for his resignations from various quarters. Hushed calls for LGE’s resignation is also being heard within the corridors of DAP. Consumed by ambition he has stubbornly refused to do so. He has also refused to go on leave.

His actions have been staunchly backed by DAP and some DAP supporters. Obviously, DAP’s motto is ‘do as I say not as I do’.The Dapsters including LGE have appointed themselves as custodians of the nation’s morals been vociferously clamouring for the resignation of many Barisan leaders and public officials.

Now that LGE has been arrested, all these moral custodians are seen somersaulting. Lim Kit Siang, the chief somersaulting frog, strangely feigns ignorance of the right course of action to take on this issue and says he needs to go around the country to consult the ‘rakyat’ to help him decide whether his son should step down.

Another notable somersaulter is Ambiga Sreenevasan. When the issue of the bungalow first came to light she advised LGE to go on leave (The star, 22 March 2016). Now she prevaricates on the issue of LGE’s resignation and refuses to give a direct answer, no doubt being torn between ties of association and morally accepted behaviour.

In the article referred to in the above paragraph, DAP Publicity Chief, Tony Pua stoutly said LGE should go on leave only if charged. For once Pua seems lost for words now that LGE has been charged. He may be wanting to play his cards skilfully as on the block is LGE’s post as General Secretary of DAP, and he has been suggested as a possible replacement.

The “bungalow scandal “ has served to unmask the true nature of DAP. At the moment, there are two deputy Chief Ministers. Datuk Rashid Hasnon who is Deputy Chief Minister I and P. Ramasamy who is Deputy Chief Minister II. Under normal circumstances, one of the Deputies should have been appointed as acting Chief Minister.

But this has not been done because DAP, under the veneer of being inclusive of all Malaysians, is nothing but a racist Chinese party. DAP cannot even countenance a non-Chinese as an acting Chief Minister even for a short term. They are also of the opinion their standing among the Chinese voters would drop if they allowed a non-Chinese to act as Chief Minister.

Before the formation of Pakatan Rakyat DAP was overtly a racist Chinese party and history documents this well. The late Karpal Singh was the National Chairman. A position without much power, a mere window dressing post, very much like the current two Deputy Chief Ministers.

When Penang was under Gerakan, Lim Kit Siang challenged then Chief Minister Kho Tsu Koon in the 1995 General Elections. One of the incredible things DAP did during the campaigning was to assure the Chinese voters that Karpal Singh would not become Chief Minister. This form of racial sloganeering was splashed across all major Chinese newspaper and blasted out on loud speakers during DAP campaigns.

However this unadulterated racist stance did not succeed. Lim Kit Siang was soundly defeated by the incumbent, Kho Tsu Koon, who garnered 70% of the votes.

By DAP’s rule book only a Chinese can be Chief Minister. It is certain that LGE will be convicted. So a snap election is a ploy to parachute Chinese candidates from other states to stand as candidates to ensure a Chinese Chief Minister will be installed when LGE is jailed.

Is it not crystal clear that unbridled Chinese chauvinism and racism reigns in DAP, then and now?

Indians and Malays in the Party are mere window dressing, and inferior in stature to Chinese candidates. How these non-Chinese can stomach such treatment is beyond understanding.

It is interesting to note that LGE’s legal team is made up an all Indian team, loyal foot soldiers to their Chinese master; willing to accept crumbs from the master’s table.

Should a snap election be called, Malays and Indians should use their vote wisely.

So the DAP racist political cauldron bubbles……

“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

Ambiga-Guan Eng
