Azmin to Saari Sungib: Are you becoming a beggar?


(The Star) – Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali chided Selangor Amanah deputy chief Saari Sungib on Twitter by asking if he was looking for an Exco post.

“@SaariSungib are you becoming a beggar for an Exco post,” Azmin tweeted.

The tweet came after Saari was quoted as saying that Azmin, who is PKR deputy president, must explain why he was playing a “dangerous” game by using “palace politics” to justify keeping PAS in the state government.

The Selangor state government is made up of representatives from PKR, DAP and PAS, despite the death of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition last year.

PAS still has three representatives in the state executive council due to the PAS-PKR cooperation.

Saari said the issue in Selangor was that the state should be formed by majority Malay representatives, and that Azmin should tell the palace that Selangor has eight Malay state executive councillors out of 11.

The Hulu Klang assemblyman added that Azmin should “move on” from PAS, saying that the party was “beyond repair”.

Saari told a forum organised by Gerakbudaya in Petaling Jaya on Sunday that he reached the conclusion based on the refusal of PAS’ ulama leaders to accept different voices, which he considered “dangerous”.

DAP lawmaker Lim Lip Eng, meanwhile, commented on Azmin’s tweet, calling for Saari and Azmin to “cease fire”.

Another Twitter user shared a photo of Saari and Azmin shaking hands at the Hari Raya open house on Saturday with Saari thanking Azmin for attending, together with the caption “that escalated quickly”.

Saari broke ranks with PAS and backed PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for Mentri Besar in 2014, after Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was sacked by PKR.
