Don’t strip, and complain about being naked, PKR leader hits back


(Malaysiakini) – In an obvious retort to Selangor DAP chief Tony Pua, PKR’s Latheefa Koya said her party cannot be expected to ask “how high” when its coalition partner demanded it to jump.

As for leaks to the media with regard to the snap polls in Penang, she questioned who was the first to make it public.

“Or wait… Who also unilaterally announced the death of Pakatan Rakyat?

“Or wait… Who also announced the formation of Pakatan Harapan – all to the press before the final decision?”

“Don’t strip first and then complain about being left naked,” she said in a Facebook post.

Earlier, Pua complained on Facebook about those who left their friends naked, but refused to state if he was referring to PKR and its stand on holding the snap polls.

Latheefa, who helms PKR’s legal bureau, also pointed out that the reason for holding the snap polls has kept changing.

“First, it was to get back the so-called mandate of the people (which strangely you insist that you have not lost).

“Then you say it’s not about your leader’s (Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s) charge.

“And now you are saying it’s about a referendum against (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) based on the latest (US) DOJ (Department of Justice) exposé.

“Perhaps, you should all make up your mind first, which is which and then consult with us and convince us,” she said, without ever mentioning DAP or Pua.

The snap polls was first revealed by Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy following the twin corruption charges against his boss.

Meanwhile, Latheefa said political parties were accountable to the electorate and their respective members.

“Don’t scream ‘jump’, and expect us to say ‘how high’,” she said.

Yesterday, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the party remained unconvinced on the need to hold a snap polls.

