The Bumiputeras, not the Chinese, are the real Kingmakers


Anyway, in time, the minority non-Bumiputeras will become an even smaller minority. So the DAP Chinese should not be too kwailan or langsi. Accept the fact that you need to share the air you breathe with the Malays and not look down on the Malays like you do now.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In 1906, 110 years ago, Malaysia’s population (then Malaya) was just 3.4 million people.

By 1956, 50 years later, the year before Merdeka, Malaysia’s population (then Malaya) more than doubled to 7.2 million.

Today, another 60 years later, Malaysia’s population has increased 4.4 times to almost 32 million people.

Bumiputeras (Malays and natives) make up 68.6% (21,746,200) of Malaysia’s population, followed by the Chinese at 23.4% (7,417,800) and the Indians at a mere 7% (2,219,000).

Out of 222 parliament seats in Malaysia, only about 20% are ‘Chinese’ seats while another 20% are ‘mixed’ seats such as Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar, where two recent by-elections were held. The rest are all Bumiputera seats and there are no ‘Indian’ seats.

By 2020, Malaysia’s population is expected to reach almost 35 million people and by 2057 (100 years after Merdeka or at the time of the Centennial Celebration of Malaysia’s independence) Malaysia will have an estimated 55-60 million people.

It is also estimated that by then (2057) Bumiputeras would make up roughly 80% of Malaysia’s population with Chinese and Indians combined at only about 20% or so. I will most likely not be around any longer or I will be 107 years old if I am still living in 2057.

Like it or not, the Chinese and Indians need to learn how to get along with the Malays and Bumiputeras. The other option would be to migrate to another country — but then the grass is not always greener on the other side.

The Chinese, from DAP in particular, should lose some of their arrogance and not believe in the fallacy that since 95% or more of Malaysian Chinese are with them then they do not need to care two hoots about the feelings of the Malays or the Muslims.

I know many Chinese hate me because I do not give face to the DAP people. Well, Malays and Muslims hate me as well because I also do not give face to narrow-minded Malays and Muslims. They resent me when I say you can take the Malay out of the kampung but you can never take the Kampung out of the Malay, or when I say their turban is too tight it restricts the flow of blood to their brain.

Anyway, in time, the minority non-Bumiputeras will become an even smaller minority. So the DAP Chinese should not be too kwailan or langsi. Accept the fact that you need to share the air you breathe with the Malays and not look down on the Malays like you do now.

The Malays are a proud race and they hate being ‘hina’. They are also very protective of their religion, customs and traditions and will go berserk if they think you are belittling what they hold dear.

One thing about the Malays, though, is that they can be very hospitable when you demonstrate humility and respect, and they will protect you with their lives if necessary. And this is the ‘weakness’ of the Malays — you can take advantage of them if you know how to treat them properly.

